Chapter Five

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I locked the door back up and headed outside with Liam, Louis and Lauren still cradled in his arms. As we headed back towards the car, the boys came outside looking puzzled.

“What happened?” Harry asked.

“The girls flat got trashed and by trashed I mean broken into.” Louis exclaimed to the worried faces.

“Louis and I decided it would be best if the girls stayed with us for a little while, you guys don’t mind right?” Liam asked politely.

“No of course not, stay as long as you two need to.” Niall assured us.

I smiled as a thank you, no words were coming out of my mouth, and I was in complete shock after seeing that mess. I mean in a way I shouldn’t be surprised, I know what he is capable of, but yet again I didn’t think he would go this far.

The drive back to the hotel was silent, all but a few sniffles coming from Lauren who is still unstable after seeing her own flat destroyed. The car pulled up once again to the grand hotel, this time I got out first and then followed Zayn up to the seventh floor. Harry opened the door and everyone settled in on the couch and chairs in the living room. No one spoke a word and I looked at Liam helplessly feeling guilty not telling the boys the truth about why we’re here.

“Guys, I need to tell you something, just promise me you won’t get mad at Lauren or me.

“Promise” They said in unison, all but Liam. Lauren shook her head as to give me permission to tell them.

“Okay, I don’t know how to begin this whole story but here it goes… About a year ago Lauren and Jason started to talk, I warned Lauren about this boy before, and he was trouble. Lauren thought that Jason was everything she could ever want in a boy, he was good looking, strong, and he complimented her a lot. She instantly fell for the trap, and soon they began to date. After a few weeks he would be coming up to Lauren cursing at her, hitting her, just being plain rude. This abuse continued for a while.  Lauren would call me in the middle of the night because she was scared to be alone with Jason, I then told her she has to do it, and she has to break up with him. It wouldn’t be easy considering the type of person Jason is but that was her only way out. Finally after a few months being with Jason Lauren finally snuck out of his house, but not before leaving a note saying “we’re through” on the table. Lauren then came to my house and we’ve been living as roommates ever since, though we were always best friends. For the past week we have seen Jason everywhere we went from the mall to our own apartment windows. Just a few hours ago we spotted Jason again; we decided it was best to run away. As we ran into the park Lauren tripped and cut her foot, and that was when Jason caught us. He grabbed us by our wrists and we were in dire need for help. We seriously needed a miracle and that’s when Liam came to our rescue, he had a little “talk” with Jason and then he brought us here. Afterwards when you said it was okay for us to stay we actually felt safe. Furthermore, when we went bowling Jason was there with his little group. Again Liam came and made them leave, I think Jason has met his match, but Jason is no person to mess with. Once we came home I instantly knew that was Jason’s work, who else would do such a thing? Again please don’t be mad at us, I am really sorry please forgive us!” I ended my story with tears in my eyes just ready to fall down my cheek.

I stared around the room hoping to meet Liam’s gaze and I did. Finally the tears rolled down my cheeks and that’s when it hit everyone.

“Please don’t cry Lexi!” Louis said with a smile.

“Lexi don’t cry you have no reason to cry because we are here for you, we are here for the both of you!” Zayn said getting up from his chair pulling me into a hug.

“Aww group hug everyone!” Harry shouted cheerfully.

This made me laugh as the boys got up and surrounded Lauren and I. Then they each gave us bear hugs, afterwards I could not breathe properly.

“How could we ever be mad at something like this? This is tragic and I’m so thankful Liam was there to help you two out, if it were me I would have probably ended up punching the guy so much he would have been laying in the hospital bed!” Harry said, in some way this made me laugh.

The rest of the boys also nodded to agree with Harry’s response.

“Alright since were spending the night together, we might as well play a game or do something fun!” Niall shouted.

“Slumber Party!” Zayn yelled.

We all laughed and settled in on the living room floor.

“So how about we play ice breaker?” Liam suggested, “You know so we all get to know each other.”

We all nodded in agreement. We went in a circle asking each other questions but it wasn’t very entertaining. I learned some interesting things about the boys that I never knew before and they learned interesting facts about me.

“This is getting boring, really boring, I think I’m going to fall asleep by the time my turn comes around.” Harry said.

“Let’s play something more interesting, how about a little game of truth or dare?” Harry suggested with a cheeky smile.


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