Chapter Nine

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I felt my cheeks turning red and I felt really dizzy I felt Harry’s arm around my waist trying to hold me up. My knees were feeling weak I thought they were going to give up on me.

“Are you okay Lexi?” Harry asked worried.

“Yeah, I think so, I just need to sit.” I replied.

I mean I’m not usually the type of person who takes anything to heart but that… that right there was plain mean and rude.

Why do people have to be so judgmental? Especially little kids! Have they no manners?

Harry walked me over to our little tent area and helped me inside. Liam was watching us walk our way inside the tent, his eyes locked on mine. I just sat down on the ground and put my head in between my knees. Harry was pacing back and forth in the little space inside the tent.

“I should have stood up for you… How dare they… I can’t believe them—”

“Harry they are right, I can’t just be seen with you guys, it just doesn’t happen like this. This is how most stories start… a girl is in trouble her idol recues her, they fall in love and then get married. This is not my fairytale I am holding you guys back.” I cut Harry off.

I took a peak outside the tent and saw Lauren kissing Louis. Maybe this was her fairytale; she does deserve to be happy. I shook my head to get back to reality.

 This only happens in stupid fanfictions not in real life. I thought. My eyes began to fill with tears I could feel the pounding inside my head.

I really didn’t want this anymore Lauren could stay I just want to go home.

                “Harry, I – I want to go home.”

“Lexi just look at me” Harry sad wiping a tear. “I want you to stay no matter what other people say. Everyone would like you to stay.” He ended with a half-smile.

“But I didn’t do anything to them, I’m just trying to have some fun.” I say honestly.

“They’re just kids and they’re jealous… It’ll be okay Lexi, I promise, now just take my hand and we’ll have a great time today.” He said.

I slowly take my hand from my lap and place it into Harry’s hand. He helps me up and then we join the rest of the crew.

“Hey Lexi are –“Harry shushed Liam, and then he playfully tackled him causing them both to tumble into the sand. Soon Zayn joined in and all three were just covered in sand. I started laughing and was then joined by Lauren who gave me a glance but then caught on. This is what I loved about Lauren I didn’t even have to say a word and she knew what I was feeling at that moment.

“Come on guys lets be mature, people are starting to make faces.” I said giggling.

“That’s not going to stop us from having any fun.” Harry said chuckling.

“Let’s go back into the water!” Lauren suggested.

“But the water… It’s so far away.” I said motioning my hand towards the crashing waves.

“How about a ride my princess?” Liam asked while bending down.

“Oh how sweet my prince!” I casually played along as I hopped onto Liam’s back for a piggyback ride.

Liam lifted me from my feet and he wouldn’t put me down. “Liam, uh you can put me down now…” I said.

“Haha, you sure?” Liam asked. “Yes Liam, you can put me back down!” I smirked because I actually didn’t want to get down.

“Guess what? I’m not letting you down. We’re going to go for a swim so hang on tight.” Liam said.

I tightened my legs around his waist and put my hands around his neck. Everyone but Harry were all in the water. Liam walked up to the water just so that the sand grains can brush up onto his feet.

“Ready?” he asked. I nodded in response; he waited for the perfect time and then ran into the water. The boys and Lauren cheered, Harry also joined us. We were all talking and having fun, and yes Liam was still holding me, why I didn’t know but I didn’t want him to let go. We talked about upcoming concerts and how Lauren and I could be in the front row and come into the VIP section later on.

Suddenly I felt the water beginning to absorb back into the depths of the ocean, I tapped Liam’s head. He patted my leg reassuring me he knew what was happening. “Liam you’re going to have to let me down, the wave is building up.” I said looking out at the building wave.

“Guys this one is going to be big…” Niall said in his cute Irish accent. It kind of frightened me a bit how calm he was.

“Liam- I think it’s best if you let me down.” I said starting to tense up.

“Lexi do you trust me?” He asked. “Yes with my life, but Liam this isn’t a--” Liam interrupted, “you said you trust me so just hang on.” I watched the monstrous wave grow, I was now shaking. Lauren and Louis started heading for the shore, Zayn and Niall ducked under water, and Harry was just waiting. The wave was literally above my head, what is he thinking!? I know that I trust him but I want to be alive tomorrow…

I saw Harry dive into the wave, I was now shaking.

I looked at Liam and he just grinned, this sent chills down my back. Within seconds he threw me above the wave. My body twisting in awkward positions before hitting the water, that was amazing. Harry popped his head above the water and laughed.

                “Classic Liam.” He chuckled, I scanned the shore I couldn’t find him.

“Where is Liam?”

Want to find out what happens? CLICK CHAPTER 10!

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