Part 13

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Author's POV

All of them were standing at the entrance door of the school. Minjae had left early as he had to submit his name for the debate competition (sexy NaMjOOn's son 😑😑) so remaining four of them now went to a cafe that was near the school.
They all were talking and kiki was having chocolate donut 🍩 which Namjoon got for her, even though tae strictly said no but who can resist her puppy eyes.
"Kiki, my princess today is the first day of you school. Be a good girl and enjoy your day. Bow to your teachers when u meet them and if you face any problem then tell them they will help u ok." Namjoon explained the little girl who looked up at Namjoon listening to each word very clearly.
"Ok uncle. I will be a good girl i pomeish". Kiki said cutely the three of them coed at her.
Their cute conversation was cut off by Namjoon's phone "excuse me" he excused himself.
"Kiki look at u princess. The chocolate is all over your face let's cle-" jk was cut off by tae. " Kiki i told u that we will not have anything here. U already had ur breakfast on top of that u forced me to give u chocolates in ur tiffin still u ordered donut huhhh. Do u want a bad tooth already hah answer me". Kiki pouted and looked down.
Jk feeling bad said "leave it tae, it's not like she always eat chocolates. We will make sure that she will not eat chocolate for the next whole week". Jk said looking at kiki who was looking at him with shocked and i cant do this eyes. Jk winked and gave kiki a sign to give in for the timing. She immediately understood and said.
"Sowwy eomma kiki no chocolate next week pomeish".
Tae sighed but eventually nodded .
Until then Namjoon returned.
"Kookie can u come with me for a minute. There were some people from the *XX Company* they want to meet us. Tae take kiki to the school entrance we will meet u there". Namjoon said
"Ok hyung " tae said and wiped kiki's face and hands with a wet tissue and took her out.

They both reached to the school entrance and stood their. Kiki was looking here and there nervously as it's something very new for her, she must be overwhelmed. And tae looking at the school more like lovingly staring at it as ofcourse it's her daughter's new start.

Tae's POV

"The school looks so amazing. Cant believe my kiki is in school now. I hope she learns good things from this school and make her mama dada proud."
He looked at kiki who was looking here and there searching for her dadda with a pout.
Tae sighed with a small pout on his lips as well.
"Sighhh ~ I told her that she should not cry at school but how will I control my tears when she will be gone for 3 hours. I think kookie will have to pamper his big baby today."
He giggled at his own thoughts.

Author's POV

They saw another parent standing with her daughter around the same age as kiki so he thought of going to them and having a conversation.

"Excuse me" tae said to the lady who turned towards him.
"Yes how may I help u". The lady said.
The lady was wearing a white colour dress with a light pink cardigan. She had long black hair with golden streaks looking pretty decent. As some say that we sometimes tend to judge people with their looks ( human nature 乁( •_• )ㄏ) tae did the same thing. He thought of her as a very polite and decent lady.
( Was she or was she not ಠ_ʖಠ )
" Hello my name is Jeon Kim Taehyung. She is my daughter Jeon Kim Aeri. Nice to meet you .Actually my daughter has taken new admission for the fresh batch of lower nursery. Which class does u daughter study in" he asked looking at the lady's daughter.
" Hi my name Kim Misoo and she is my daughter Kim Ye-jin nice to meet u too. And ya she is also in lower nursery. The lady said with a genuine smile.
" Ohh really thats good then they could be friends. Kiki see meet ye-jin she could be your friend." Tae said 
Kiki came forward and bowed to both of them.
"Hello nice too mewt you. You are pwetty aunty". Kiki said with her body smile.
"Aww such a cute kid u have. She exactly looks like u. Hi dear u are so cute would u like to be friends with my daughter. She would love to be your friend." Misoo said.
Tae smiled awkwardly at the look alike statement but smiled when he saw how politely the lady was conversing with kiki.
"Btw kiki did ur eomma not come. Usually eommas drop kids to school isn't it. " The lady asked just to extent a conversation she didn't mean to offend anyone.
Tae sensed it therefore he didn't mind the statement she said. And for tae this has happened a lot of times which is why now it's very normal for him to ans such questions. But before he could say anything Jungkook came.
" Kiki princess" jk said while coming towards them with RM.
"Dadddaaaa ". She called out running towards Jungkook. "Where were u dadda kiki angryyy humppp". Kiki said with a fake angry pout.
"Ohh kiki angry huhh. Let's make up with my baby. Dadda is sorry baby plz forgive dadda." Jk said in a cute voice more likely an aeygo.
"Omoo how come my dear husband know how to do an aeygo huh. You never did it for me" tae said in a shocked voice.
"Sorry baby this side of mine is only for kids but don't worry the other sides of mine are just for u" jk said while winking with a naughty grin and i dont know about others but tae surely got what his hubby meant.
"Yaaaaaa u shameless bunny. Do u want to die" tae said with red cheek.
Namjoon, Jungkook and kiki were laughing at tae's face
"Omoo eomma looks so red." Kiki said laughingly.

All this while Misoo was looking at them confused.
"Ahhh Misoo shi sorry I forgot to introduce them. This is Jeon Jungkook my husband and this is Kim Namjoon my hyung , kookie and hyung she is Kim Misoo her daughter and kiki are in same class we just tend to meet each other few minutes ago." Tae explained. He saw how the lady was getting awkward while they were busy laughing so he thought of introducing the others to her to rise a conversation.

The sweet smile which of hanging on the lady's face fell of to more likely a fake one. Her eyes instead of politeness showed hesitation .

The changes did not go unnoticed by the other three of them. Whereas the kids being oblivious to everything were taking amongst themselves.

"Hello Mrs Misoo it's nice to meet u. Myself Jeon Jungkook dada of Jeon Kim Aeri and husband of Taehyung.".

"H-hello Mr Jungkook it was nice meeting u as well." Misoo said in a fake polite voice . Her voice held anger and disgust .

Before anyone could say the school bell rung. By the timing more children with their parents started to come.

"It was nice meeting u but i think the class is going to being see u around". She said leaving with her daughter not even once looking back at them.

The rest were kinda disturbed with her behaviour, they somewhere knew the reason of it. But they chose to let go.
Anyways they left kiki to her class. Who cried once they left . On hearing her crying voice tae couldn't stop his tears. He requested teachers to let him stay with kids but rules are rules. So Jungkook had his turn of adult sitting today. He somewhat made tae calm and left for office with Namjoon where as tae decided that he would stay outside the school as he doesn't want to go anywhere leaving kiki.

* See told ya guys don't judge a book by it's cover*
Will this lead to something miserable. Will the couple have to go through humiliation for being bi, which has never happened to them before.
Let's see.......


Sorry for being late guys. I usually check what i have writing twice for grammatical mistakes but i am kinda sleepy now so I will check in the morning so if anyone who reads before plz manage.

Thank you 💕
Borahae 💜
Meet u in the next one 

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