Part 29

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A few days passed and everyone got over with that incident. Tae contacted the senior incharge of the hospital to know about the further procedure of his resuming his post. The faculty really wanted tae to join as he was one of the best surgeon and therefore according to the procedure he might give his exams again by the course of one year with a two year internship.
Tae knew it was sadly a long duration but he has to do it anyway.

Anyway with all these things going around tae started to study in his free time. He told jk about his decision who was equally happy and helpful about it. As kiki showed least interest in tae therefore he got a lot of time to focus on his studies and it also helped him to forget about the pain.
Kiki was kinda confused to see her mother's ignorant behaviour. No like tae avoided her he did every single duty as a parent its just that tae stopped leading conversations or any random moment with her.

A few days later kiki's health deteriorated. She got high fever and bad abdominal pain. This got her parents attention towards her.  At first her situation wasn't that bad she was able to go to school but with every passing days it's was worsening.

Jin had planned a small trip as it was long time all had gone out together but eventually kiki got into very high fever on the day of their departure. It was a Road trip therefore jk decided to avoid it whereas tae would surely haven't gone as kiki wouldn't want him to go. Therefore the rest other went for the trip.

Jungkook decided to pay a visit to the doctor but he had an important contract to be signed therefore tae had to take kiki with Him let's see how situations are.

"Kiki you have to go with eomma please understand that i am busy." Jk said frustratingly. He was trying to explain kiki from the last half an hour that he can't visit the doctor with her as he is busy.

"I dont know i am not going with him that's it." Kiki said pointing at tae who sat there silently not saying anything.

" Kiki behave i have had enough. Do you think it's easy for me huh! Tell me everyday every single day all I see in this house in fights and tears. One side is my daughter and the other my wife do you think it's f- easy for me huh. I am done i cant handle so much." Jk said and stormed out of the mansion.

" See its all because of you. It's better to not see you around." Kiki said to tae who just bit his lips.

Finally after a lot of pleading kiki agreed to go with tae. She knew there is no point arguing and also that her health was not good.

When they reached the hospital kiki was confused to see how all the staffs were smiling and waving at them. She didn't understand what was going on.
Meanwhile tae was feeling so good after coming back to the hospital after so long though it was not for a good reason but ultimately he could visit his second home. They were walking until one nurse came and hugged tae.

" Omo my bear how are you. I missed you so much how come you are here after so long. Huh is she your daughter?" The women questioned softly caressing kiki's hair who was lokey liking it.

" I missed you too ajuhma a lot. And ya she is my daughter actually she is sick so i came to visit doc Choi Hera. Is she available?"  Tae said.
"Omo you are so cute." She said to kiki who smiled back and bowed.
"Yes bub she is available. I could have taken you there but i urgently need to go to ward 14. Right now i am going but don't forget to meet me before leaving hmm." The nurse said
Tae nodded and both parted their ways.

Tae and kiki were siting outside the chamber waiting for there turn. When suddenly.
"Kiki....." They heard a voice. Both turned around to see ye-jin.

"Ohh hello ye-jin how are you." Tae asked ye-jin politely who ignored him via hugging kiki and tae stood there embarrassed.
"Omo kiki you are burning." Ye-jin said and Misoo who walked towards them pulled ye-jin towards her thinking kiki might contaminate her as well.

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