Part 39

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"Can I talk to you guys" kiki hesitated to enter taekook's room. The whole dinner time she was disturbed about the small conversation with the maiden. She ought to ask her parents why did they visit those children that often. What are the connections and where do all the dots join. Silly her doesn't even know that the dot she was trying to join was she herself.
She didn't knew that unfolding all of this is gonna pain her more than anything.

"Yess ummm what do want?" Jungkook asked looking a tae who stopped putting lotion on his hands and looked back a Jungkook.
Kiki slowly stepped in whereas and sat beside her dadda.

"Dadda why do we visit that place?" Kiki asked

Jungkook got confused and asked her back
" Where.. what are you taking about?"

"Why do we always visit those kids. What is that place dadda. It's not like i dont like them but i am just curious about it." Kiki said lowly still looking down

Tae and jk looked at each other. They did wanted to tell kiki that she is adopted but not like this specially when everything is disturbed between them.
Tae gave a light nod to Jungkook assuring him about it.

Jungkook held kiki's hand in affection as it might be a lot to take in for her.
Kiki looked at her dadda with tired and red puffy eyes. Looking at her eyes both tae and Jungkook felt guilty but what could they possibly do. Both were feeling as if they have failed to be good parents.

" Well you see ..... That place is called an orphanage. That is the place where kids with no parents live. Like someone whose parents might have left them and gone to the sky to meet the angels." Jungkook said

Kiki's chest heaved up trying to think the least worst possible things.

"Ummm and you know that we are boys and can't have baby. Well eom- i mean Mr Kim can have babies but its very rare.. so we .." Jungkook said not able to form words. He didn't call tae as eomma not knowing how kiki would react

And kiki who heard all of this got tears in her eyes. Firstly for getting the hint about who she actually was and secondly about the fact that Jungkook refered tae the way she used to call him. It made her feel cheap about herself.

"So I am a part of that place. You and EOMMA got me from there " she said letting her tears fall and stressing on the word eomma.

"Hmmmm" is all Jungkook could say.
Meanwhile tae was biting his lips feeling scared about kiki's reaction

"B-but why me out of all of them." Kiki said out of great difficulty.

Jungkook told her the whole story as how her real parents abandoned her on the same day they came to look for a child.

"Honestly even though you are not our own blood but we have never regretted it kiki. You are the best thing that has ever happened to us." Tae said

But kiki could hear none she rushed out of the room and ran towards her room in heavy tears.

Tae tried to run after her but Jungkook stopped him
"Give her some time tae." Jungkook said
"But what if she hates us for this. What if she wants to go back. What if she wouldn't stay with us. How am I gonna let my baby go. What will I do." Tae panicked
"Shhh tae.... Tae listen tae..... TAE... Stop it stop being so weak and emotional. What are you so insecure about. She is our child our daughter we are not giving her to anyone. You get it "

Jungkook hugged tae till he slept. The medicines tae were taking were kindda heavy doses and so he used to get sleepy easily.

Jungkook starred at tae sleeping peacefully.
"Will we able to keep her with us huh. I am scared tae."
However strong Jungkook behaves he is still very emotional just like tae. He just doesn't show it.

Tae gently cuddled Jungkook pulling him down and spooning him. Jungkook dived his face inside Tae's neck smelling the scent of his body to calm him down

Meanwhile kiki.... As soon as she reached inside the room. She took out a book and started writing something on it. On half way her face again filled up with tears and her mouth left loud sobs. She feel down near her desk and started murmuring

" I don't wanna leave you eomma appa.... Please don't send me away

How sad isn't it that all three of them are thinking about the same thing but in different perspective. Where tae thinks that kiki would leave them kiki here thinks that tae and Jungkook would send her away....

I hope that everything turns out well for them....

Hey guys I know that the story might sound stupid now. Honestly I myself don't know what i am writing now. 😂😂😂😂 My brain is confusing me so much it's like all the ideas are getting mixed up.

So if in any way i am disappointing you guys ... I am really very sorry. And also i will try to post everyday just the parts will be short .... Let's end this book fast , well and together ☺️

See you in the next one 👀
Thank you 💕
Borahae 💜

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