As always, Gujurati translations are picked up from my friends or Google Translate. Aru is OP, as you will see in a minute. I've also added Fridays to my update schedule now! Have fun!
"Oh, Aru, good you're up. I was worried you'd still be in your room," Mini said, walking over to Aru. "You both know that the Council's summoned us, right?"
"Yeah," Brynne said.
"Yeah, so they actually want us to come two hours earlier now. So we're a bit pressed for training time now. Maybe enough for one quick spar?"
"Okay," Aru said. "I'm about to throw down with Brynne. Want to join?"
"Three people fighting at once? Aru, that's probably the fastest way for everybody to get hurt. And you could get tetanus, which could even cause you to get an amputation. And if the doctor messes up the operation procedure, then you could potentially die!"
"Not my fault that you can't take two bitches at the same time," Aru shrugged. "Synchronized swimmers," she added as an afterthought.
"What's wrong?" Aru asked.
Brynne laughed. "Language!" Mini chided. "And what do you mean by that?"
"Got the girl twisted 'cause she open when you twist her," Brynne continued the joke. Mini shook her head. "That's not how biology works! Come on, what are you doing? Get started already!"
"Yeah, sure, Mini," Aru said, taking her stance. She could swear that she saw Brynne mutter "Never met the bitch, but I fuck her like I missed her."
Mini buried her face in her hands, clearly hearing Brynne. Aru could hear the pain in her laugh. The loss had hit her hard too, but she hadn't reacted the same way Aru had, instead choosing to play it all off as if nothing had ever happened. Brynne had surprisingly been the most composed of the Potatoes.
Even thinking about the name hurt Aru. And what hurt her the most was the fact that her sisters hadn't turned against her, instead, they had been supportive and loving. Aru hated them for it. She didn't deserve their love. She deserved to be spat at and to be exiled from their group. But Mini and Brynne (and yes, the twins as well) had been nothing but supportive and caring.
"Come on, Shah, what're you daydreaming about? Let's go!" Brynne exclaimed, brandishing Gogo, her wind mace.
Aru summoned Vajra in the form of a spear. It felt familiar to her, the feeling of the spear in her right hand. The only problem was that she felt
awfully exposed at times fighting with a spear. She had tried using a shield, but the style of fighting one-handed just wasn't for her.
"Powers or no?" Aru asked.
"No powers, Shah, otherwise you'll burn me quite a damn lot. Not saying I can't take you, but let's not get hurt too early in the morning. Plus," Brynne admitted grudgingly, "You're really good with those storms now."
Aru didn't mention that those powers had refused to work since...well, since it happened. That incident took a real toll on her.
"Alright, let's go," Aru said, brandishing her spear. As Brynne came at her, time seemed to slow down — it had been doing that a lot recently. Just not at the right times.
She supposed that this was her stroke of luck. Now she just had to lock onto Brynne.
Aru saw Brynne's attack coming a mile away. A power-packed blow around the waist could hurt her, so Aru chose to dodge. No point in blocking that powerful of a blow.
She slid under Brynne's mace, feeling the cool air blow on her dark locks. Brynne looked surprised that she hadn't hit anything, and would've probably commented on Aru's artful dodge.

Lightning Strikes
FanfictionAru Shah x Percy Jackson crossover Just when Aru is getting over the loss of... well, him, she gets another quest? And this one she has to go through with these annoying Greek demigods. Add to that the fact that the gods can't figure her out, and sh...