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Hey, I'm back again. I promise I haven't been lazy, just also working on an original story (yes, I'll post that at some point, please go check it out when I do! I think you'll enjoy it!). The next two chapters are my efforts at breaking your hearts. I don't think it's going to work, but tell me if the next update is heart-wrenching enough. For now, let's introduce one of the best characters. Also, there is a slight TKC crossover but not a big enough one for you to get too confused.

"Wait, has it really just been a month?" Aru asked, looking at the date on the airport screens. "Guess that their magic worked after all."

"Of course it did," Piper chided. "I mean, just look at Kartikeya! Does he look thousands of years old?"

"No, he looks sixteen."

"And hot," Piper added. Aru fanned her face and then swatted Piper gently.

"Hey, what was that for?" Piper asked.

"You're not his girlfriend, are you?"

Piper nodded. "Yes ma'am."

"Good," Aru kissed Piper on the cheek, leading to a few glares from the elderly people seated at their gate. Were they mad at them for being gay, or just disapproving of young love?

Aru shook her head and crashed onto an open seat. "Ever been to Frisco?" Piper asked her.

"Yeah, once," Aru remembered the trip vividly. Her mother had been going to California on business, and the babysitter backed out at the last minute. Unable to leave a seven-year-old Aru home alone, she took Aru along with her to several museums and (of course) the Golden Gate Bridge.

"I've been there a couple times," Piper impatiently tapped her foot. "You know, inter-camp relations and all that shit."

"What relations?" Aru asked. "I would assume your policy would be 'stay away'. Didn't the Romans beat up the Greeks once?"

"Once?" Piper snorted. "More like three or four times. And that's if you don't count Augustus conquering Greek Egypt."

"You don't want revenge?"

"No, Hades no!" Piper exclaimed. "There were a few people who wanted to fight at first, but we're not planning to fight. And anyway, their legion is better than our army."

"Are you supposed to admit that?"

"No," Piper confessed. She laughed. "But it's true!"

After a nice nap and a few movies, twenty hours had flown by (get it?). Aru stretched her limbs for the first time in almost a day. They made their way out of the flight and into the airport. Aru sat down. "Is anyone picking us up?" she asked Piper.

"I'll call Hazel," Piper said. Aru nodded. She had to make some calls too.

Popping an earbud in, Aru decided to phone Kartikeya. It rang for a bit before his face appeared on the screen. At least, half of it.

"Ganesha, is this damn thing working? No, I think it's working, wait!"

Ganesha dropped down from somewhere high up. "It's working, idiot. There's Aru. Wait, did you even call her?"

"No," Aru rolled her eyes. Ganesha laughed. "Goddamnit, that's why it wasn't working, Kartikeya! Are you seriously kidding?"

"Aru, can you see us?" Kartikeya asked. Aru nodded, struggling to hold back laughter.

"Are you safe?" Kartikeya pressed her.

"Yes, Kartikeya, I'm alive and have my bags too."

"I don't trust planes," Kartikeya explained. "They make me sick."

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