And here we go. The crossover starts now. Everyone's favorite twins are in this chapter (no, not Nikita and Sheela). The story's just getting started! Also, I have decided on a ship for Aru with one of the demigods, it should be pretty obvious by chapter seven or eight. Aru isn't subtle, you know (wink, wink). Enjoy!
"This is it, I guess," Aru said to Brynne and Mini. "I'll call from New York. While I'm alive, that is."
"Aru!" Mini exclaimed. "You'll be fine. Come on, you've fought so many asuras and won! One bad day doesn't dictate your entire life."
"But it ended theirs, didn't it?" Aru asked. "Mini, I literally got your boyfriend killed. I don't know why you're not upset with me."
"What's the point?" Mini asked. "It's not like you drove the spear into his back. Aiden and Rudy could've taken care of themselves, Aru. It's not your fault that they couldn't make it."
"And you beat me," Brynne said. "If you don't let me have a rematch, I'll be pretty mad."
Aru hugged her sisters. "I'll see you later, guys."
"Call us when you get there!" Mini yelled at Aru. "And stay safe!"
"I will!" Aru answered. "Call you, that is!"
She went through security quite easily (who knew Vajra wasn't made of metal?). Aru guessed that having a weapon made of a sage's backbone was good for something. Vajra shocked her in protest.
"Yeow! Fuck, I'm sorry, okay?" Aru told her pocket. "And I control you, not the other way round, understand?"
She sat down at the gate, thinking about everything that had brought her to this point. Sitting in a chair without Aiden by her side, without her sisters to aid her.
She remembered the mission vividly — it was just two weeks ago. A little less than that, really. It had all started the same way as this one — the seven of them going to clear out a hideout of asuras. Brynne, Mini, and the twins took one cave, and Aru, Rudy, and Aiden went into the other.
"Shah, don't worry, I got this!" Aiden exclaimed. He held out his scimitars, and Aru tapped them with Vajra. Slashing and stabbing, he danced around the asuras, killing as many as he could. Aru whipped here and there with her spear, thrusting, blocking, and whirling it here and there. But there were far too many of them. She couldn't handle them all, and neither could Aiden. Rudy was struggling to keep up with his musical attacks.
All of a sudden, the music stopped, and the asuras charged Aru and Aiden. Aru tried to look through the mob and saw Rudy's lifeless form, a spear having been thrust through his heart. Aru fought valiantly, but nothing she could do was able to stop the asuras from attacking Aiden, not even her powers. She kept trying until she heard a familiar scream and saw Aiden, lying dead on the ground.
Everything else felt like a blur. Aru was told that she had struck the caves with blast after blast of ferocious lightning, caving it in. Brynne, Mini, Nikita, and Sheela barely escaped with their lives as the boulders crashed down on the asuras, revealing Aru floating in the air over the rubble, a thundercloud by her right shoulder. She had burned the whole forest down that day, and she didn't even know what she had done.
Aru knew that was why Brynne had been afraid to spar with powers earlier this morning. She didn't blame her sister, after all, Aru had no control over her powers anymore. Or did she?
Aru breathed in sharply and looked up at the ceiling light. She willed it to go out.
Nothing happened. Aru grew angry with her inability to use her powers. She had been given these abilities, and she should've done better! She should've blown the whole fucking airport's lights out!

Lightning Strikes
FanfictionAru Shah x Percy Jackson crossover Just when Aru is getting over the loss of... well, him, she gets another quest? And this one she has to go through with these annoying Greek demigods. Add to that the fact that the gods can't figure her out, and sh...