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March 26, 57 B.C

Nemi Villa, Roma, Italia Province, Respublica Romana

We returned to Cisalpine Gaul and spent the winter there. Yet, as my pregnancy progressed, Caesar needed to move me somewhere private to prevent too many eyes and ears from catching rumors. He stopped treating me like a lover and more like how a father cares for a child. Around December he moved me to his villa on Lake Nemi - roughly sixteen miles southeast of Rome. It was a quiet rural estate, which offered Caesar a tranquil and private scenery. He traveled between Mediolanum and Nemi frequently, though I commonly found myself alone with the slaves and staff. Many vocally agreed to keep the secret that I was carrying Caesar's child... for many of them had also carried affairs and flings with Caesar as well.

According to his physician the pregnancy carried on as normal... It was an interesting experience. I was terrified about giving birth for some time, but it eventually became a comfortable truth after I secretly attended the temple and prayed to Venus. Praying to her made everything clear, and I no longer carried fear.

Caesar arrived back at Nemi on the 23rd of March to ensure he was present for the birth. Sure enough, the baby came exactly as anticipated three days later. All the staff were dismissed for the day, the midwives came in, and Caesar and his physician were directly present.

The chamber had been dimmed - the only light coming from oil lamps placed around the room. I lied upon the birthing bed, attended by several midwives. Caesar anxiously paced back and forth, his face etched with concern and anticipation. A contraction slammed my body and I threw my head back.

"Oh! By the gods it's coming!" I cried out.

"Relax Lucretia. You're doing well," One of the midwives rubbed my shoulder, reassuring me.

Another midwife checked my pulse.

"The contractions are stronger. The baby will be here soon,"

The room fills with the sounds of my strained breathing and the encouraging murmurs of the midwives. Outside, the night is still, save for the occasional distant cry of a nocturnal creature. It was peaceful, this place, which soothes my tense nerves.

Caesar stood, his fist clenched and his clean chin resting on it. He was silent. He did not utter a word. The tension in the room mounts as my contractions intensify. Finally, with a final push, a newborn's cry pierces the air. The midwives work swiftly, cleaning the infant and cutting the umbilical cord. My breathing is rapid and labored.

"It's a boy!" One of the midwives called out.

The midwives wrap the newborn in swaddling clothes and hand him to me, and I cradle him gently in my arms, tears of joy streaming down my cheeks. Despite the circumstances of this whole event I couldn't help but feel overwhelming joy and love swelling in my heart. This was my child. This was my son.

"Welcome to the world, my son..." The words were no louder than a whisper.

The midwives tend to me, ensuring my comfort and well-being. Right now I could care less about comfort, not when I was holding my son in my arms. Nothing else mattered at that moment. I looked up at Caesar.

"I know what I shall name him... Lucretius Aurelius... but I don't know what cognomen to give him..."

The room is suffused with a sense of joy and wonder as outside, the first light of dawn begins to filter through the windows, casting a warm glow over the room. Caesar stepped up to my side.

"Give me the child Lucretia," He said softly - yet with a twinge of demand.

Without a second thought I handed Caesar my child, for Lucretius was just as much his son as he was mine.

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