Chapter 1 : meeting the mist hashira

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Third person: Genya has eventually finished his checkup at the butterfly mansion. But as he was making his way out, he bumps into a certain someone from the final selection.

Tanjiro: Huh, seems like someones coming.

*Bumps into Genya*

Tanjiro pov: I guess he really intents on bumping into me. But wait, wasn't he at the final selection?

*Flashback of Tanjiro and Genya at the final selection*

Tanjiro pov: He bulked up a lot in short time but there's something else, his scent

Tanjiro: Hey, it's been awhile glad to see that your doing well!

"Ignores Tanjiro*

**Time skipped... Note: this is my first fanfic so apologies**

Third person: Genya was heading back to the wind estate when he bumped into the mist pillar.

Muichiro: Umm, excuse me but um, have we met before?

Genya: Um no, not at all

Muichiro: Then, why do you look so familiar?

Muichiro pov: Why does he look familiar? Why?


Muichiro pov: So thats why he looks so familiar.

Genya: Hi Nemi.


Genya: Fine

Muichiro pov: So Genya is his name huh?

Muichiro: Oh, before you go in, the name is Muichiro

Genya: Um ok?

Genya pov: Muichiro, what a nice name

Third person: As Muichiro was heading back to his estate...

Muichiro pov: Thats weird, I usually can forget things easily but why can I still remember his name? Though, the name Genya is actually a nice name.

A/N : And so, that is the end of my first chapter for my first fanfic story. Hope you enjoyed it and have a good day.

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