Chapter 2 : Mission with the Mist hashira

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Third person: At the wind estate, Genya was out of bed. He was putting on his uniform when his crow came to hime.

** Note for our sake, I'm just gonna put words instead of "Caws" so we can understand the crows better**

Genya's crow: Report to Master Ubayashiki for your new mission

Genya: If you say so

*****At the mansion*****

Genya pov: Guess I'll have to wait till Oyakta-sama arrives. Wait a minute. Isn't that Muichiro, I'm guessing that we're going on a mission together.

Muichiro: Why am I here again?

Genya: We're waiting for Master Ubayashiki to tell us our mission.

Muichiro: Oh ok. Why we here again?

Genya pov: Oh god. Seems like he forgets things easily.

***As Kagaya arrives***

Kagaya: Hello Muichiro and Genya. I'm here to tell you that there are reports of demons on Mount Sagiri. Stop and kill those demons. You are now dismissed.

******Time skipped******

Third person: As they make their way to Mount Sagiri...

Muichiro: Hey Genya

Genya: Yes?

Genya pov: Why can he remember me but no one else? Thats a bit odd

???: I smell some humans ....

Third person: Genya and Muichiro turn around and see the demon. They get ready to attack.

Muichiro: Mist breathing second form : Eight layered mist!

Demon: Arggh, where did that pesky human go?

*See's Muichiro. Manages to dodge him barely*

Genya: This demon is a bit tough. But not a member of the 12 kizuki.

Genya pov: I'm guessing he might have a blood demon art.

Demon: Blood demon art : Snow plasma shards!

Genya: I knew it.

*Both barely dodge them but then Genya gets hit by one*

Muichiro pov: I'm worried that the shards might have posion in them. Wait, why am I worried about him? Ok, nevermind

Muichiro: Mist breathing seventh form: Obscuring clouds!

Demon: I can't see a thing!

*Genya manages to shoot a bullet at him*

Demon: Where did that bullet even come from.

Third person: As the mist clears out, the demon didn't manage to even look behind him. What was behind him was Muichiro now slicing his head off.

Genya: Well, we should head back to headquarters.

Muichiro: If you insist.

Third person: They head back to headquarters but something was still on Muichiro's mind.

Muichiro pov: Weird, when I was fighting with Genya, I felt a strange feeling around him. What was it.

A/N: That leaves a cliffhanger for chapter 3! Hope you enjoyed the story. A/N out!

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