Chapter 6 : They know

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Third person: In the Mist pillars estate...There had been some awkward silence ever since the, you know what I mean

Muichiro pov: Man that was so embarrassing, I feel my heart beating so fast that it kinda hurts.

Third person: Genya then breaks the silence.

Genya: Muichiro, are you ok?

Muichiro: Yes

Genya: About what happened outside, I can tell that you felt embarrassed

Muichiro: ... *Staring at his tea*

Genya: Hello, earth to Mui

Muichiro: ...

Genya: *Goes to hug Muichiro, then hugs him*

Muichiro: *Gasps* *Blushes*

Genya: You can tell me. Its ok.

Muichiro: Ok Gen Gen.

Genya pov: Man hes so cute.

Muichiro: The reason why I said that it was embarrassing is because I might've heard Mitsuru screaming with joy. I'm suggesting they must've heard our talk.

Genya: *Grabs a pillow and blushes as he hides his face*

Muichiro: Are you ok?

Genya: Yes

Muichiro: *Removes pillow* Why are you blushing?

Genya: *Takes the pillow and hides his face*

Muichiro: This is like our talk back outside instead it you with the red face not me.

Genya: Heh, yeah

Muichiro pov: Hes just so cute!

Genya: Muichiro, you zoned out

Muichiro: Um, its probably nothing!

Genya: I better head home.

Muichiro: Do you want to sleep with me tonight.

Genya: *Flustered*

Muichiro: Its ok if you don't want to Genya. You can go home if you like too.

Genya: Um, I can sleep with you tonight.

Muichiro: Ok then.

Time skipped to Muichiro's bedroom

Third person: In the futon...

Genya: Night Mui

Muichiro: Night Gen Gen

Third person: As Muichiro falls asleep, Genya kisses him on the head

Muichiro: *Smiles*

A/N: I am so sorry for not updating this story. I was busy with my other story. Hope you enjoyed this one. A/N out!

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