Chapter 8: Oh no

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Third person: With Mitsuri, Iguro, Genya and Muichiro,

Muichiro: Did we just ............. Kiss?!


Iguro: Well, that was unexpected.

Muichiro: Oh god. I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to kiss you.

Genya: It was just unexpected. *Immediately goes red* Mui?

Muichiro: Yeah?

Genya: Can you get off me?

Muichiro: *Realizes what position their in*. *Heart beats fast as an eight-fold* I'm so sorry! I'll get off now- OW! *Clutches his heart a bit harder*

Genya: Mui! Your actually not ok.

Muichiro: I'm fine- Ow!

Iguro: Yeah, we should better get you to Kocho.

Mitsuri: *whimpers* Poor Mui-kun.

*****Time skip to butterfly mansion*****

Genya: Kocho-sama, is Mui gonna be alright?

Shinobu: Don't worry Genya-kun, he's gonna be ok. His hearts actually beating really fast as an eight fold and I might know why.

Genya: Huh?

Shinobu: You like Muichiro, Right?

Genya: *Flustered* Well, um. I-I.

???: OI! Genya likes who?!

Iguro & Mitsuri pov: Oh no.

Genya: Hi Nemi.

Sanemi: What the hell! After my injuries are treated, this is what I here?! Genya likes who? *Grabs Genya by the collar*.

Mitsuri: *whimpers*

Iguro: Let him go.

Muichiro: *Comes out of door* Whats going-*Sees Genya*. Genya! Let him go you wolf!

Sanemi: Not a chance.

Genya: Help.

Iguro & Mitsuri: We got ya.

Third person: Iguro and Mitsuri attack Sanemi. While attacking, Sanemi however lost his grip on Genya.

Genya: *Falls* Ow.

Muichiro: *Goes to Genya* Genya! *Hugs him*. Are you all right?

Genya: Yes. I'm alright.

Muichiro: How dare you! *Attacks him*

Sanemi: OI! 

Muichiro: Leave him alone you wolf!

Shinobu: Ara~if you won't stop Shinazugawa-kun, I'll poison you *Death glare while smiling*

Sanemi: Ok fine.

Sanemi pov: Man she can get creepy. What a scary little insect. *Leaves Mansion*

Muichiro: Glad thats over

Shinobu: Are you ok Tokito-kun

Muichiro: Yeah I'm fine.

Genya: I believe we should leave?

Mitsuri: Yeah. I think we had enough drama for one day.

Everyone: Agreed.

Third person: As everyone left the mansion except for Shinobu since she has take care of the patients as well, Muichiro & Genya had something on his mind he wanted to do. Little did they know they were thinking of the exact same thing

Muichiro & Genya pov: Hmmm, should I confess to him or no. Though, he's just so cute. But then again, Sanemi. Oh, should I confess? What to do?

A/N: Thats the end of the chapter. We are almost at the end! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. A/N out!

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