Chapter 4 : I love him???

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Third person: In Mitsuri's estate, Iguro was making them some tea while Muichiro wanted to ask Mitsuri about something.

Iguro: Here's some tea I made

Mitsuri: KYAAAAAA. Thanks Iguro-san

Muichiro: Thanks anyway.

Iguro: Your welcome

Mitsuri: Now then Mui-kun, what were you asking me again.

Muichiro: Well, I wanted to ask you this.

Mitsuri: Go on.

Muichiro: Well, when I was on a mission, I had this strange feeling. It's like if my stomach was doing cartwheels while my heart is beating fast like I have no idea.

Mitsuri: Ok then, where else has been happening and was it with the same person?

Muichiro: It happened when I first him at the wind pillar estate, at Oyakta-sama's mansion, and at the butterfly mansion. Yes it was with the same person. What was it called again? I think it was called love? What is love?

Iguro: Ok, before I let Kanroji explain, did you say it was a "him" as in a boy?

Muichiro: I think so

Iguro pov: Omg, is he gay?

Iguro: Kanroji, you can continue

Mitsuri: EEEEEEEEE, Thanks Iguro-san. Now then, love is deep feeling for a person or a thing. Love can happen when you like someone or something. It's a intense feeling of affection. It's like me and Iguro. Why do you ask?

Muichiro: Well um *blushes*

Mitsuri pov: Wait, while I was explaining, was he thinking about someone? That would explain why he blushed. With all those details he said, could that mean? Is it true?

Third person: While Mitsuri was thinking, Muichiro was thinking about that person again and was blushing even harder.

Mitsuri: You do have a crush. Do you?

Muichiro: Um, maybe?

Iguro: *About to spit the tea* Hold on a second. You have a crush?

Muichiro: I only said maybe.

Mitsuri: KKKKKYYYYYYAAAAAAA, who is it?

Muichiro: I'm not saying. Though, thanks for the help and for the tea you two.

Mitsuri: Awwww, your welcome.

Iguro: Yep.

Third person: As Muichiro leaves the love pillar estate, something was on Iguro's mind

Iguro pov: Now that I think about it, I might know who it might be. I better let Kanroji figure it out herself since she is the love hashira. That will still be a bit of a pain if I don't tell her though but I think is for the best.

Mitsuri: Iguro-san, are you ok?

Iguro: Yeah. Just zoned out.When he said that he was in love with "him", I think he might be gay.I'm not sure though.

Mitsuri: Might be a hint. Though, I'm gonna figure it out soon enough!

Iguro: Ok

A/n: Thats it for this chapter. Hope you enjoyed the story. A/N out. But for you go. Let me show this bonus flashback.

Bonus Flash back:


Third person: At the butterfly mansion, Iguro was getting his injury treated by Shinobu there after he came back from a mission.

Shinobu: Ara~ looks like your injuries were by quite a tough demon

Iguro: Yep.

Kaburamaru: hiss

Shinobu: Ok, your injuries are treated and you can go now.

Iguro: Thanks Lady Kocho

Shinobu: No problem.

Third person: As Iguro was heading out, he saw Muichiro with Genya. (Same time period of when Muichiro was thinking about something.

Muichiro: If you say so

Muichiro pov: Why is my heart beating like crazy. This feeling is getting to me why?

Genya: Um, are you ok?

Muichiro: Yeah I'm fine. I just zoned out a bit. Thats all.

Genya: Ok?

Genya pov: I don't think he is ok

Muichiro pov: What should I do about this strange feeling. Maybe I should go see Mitsana.

Iguro pov: Hmmmm, they both must came back from a mission.

Kaburamaru: Hiss hiss, Hisssss ( What are they thinking about)

Iguro: I don't know my friend. Lets just head to Mitsuri's place.


End of bonus flashback.

A/N: Thats it for the flashback. A/N out!

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