Chapter 5: Maybe I do love him

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Third person: As Muichiro was on his way back to his estate from the love pillar's estate, many questions were right on his mind.

Muichiro pov : Shes gonna find out I just know. I'm getting kinda worried. What do I do?

Third person: He then bumps into Genya.

Muichiro: Oh um, hi Genya.

Genya: Hi Mui, so you came back from the Mitsuri's estate.

Muichiro: Yep. Do you wanna have some tea at my place. I'm heading there right now.

Genya: Ok sure

Genya pov: Why is he just so cute! My heart is pounding like crazy. * blushes*

Muichiro: Um Gen Gen, are you ok do you need to go to the mansion again?

Genya: No no. It's fine. Wait a minute, did you just call me Gen Gen?

Muichiro: Omg, that was embarrassing. **Face is all red and covers it with his hands** I think I wanna hide in a tiny hole right now

Genya: Are you ok?

Muichiro: Yeah I'm fine

Genya: You don't look fine. *Goes and removes his hand*. Your face is all red.

Muichiro: I'm sorry. That was really embarrasing. *Goes back to cover it*

Genya: *Stops his hand* No, it's ok. I gave you a nickname. Now you gave me a nickname. I also like it by the way.

Muichiro: Really?

Genya: Yep. Thanks

Muichiro: Your welcome. We better head to my house right now.

Genya: Ok come on.

Muichiro pov: Maybe Mitana's right. Maybe I do love him

Third person: Muichiro and Genya head for the mist pillar estate. Little did they know that Mitsuri and Iguro saw it all while hiding in a bush.

Mitsuri: KYAAAAAA, now I know who Mui-kun likes

Iguro: It seems like Muichiro is gay.

Mitsuri: Yep.

Iguro: But I am worried about something.

Mitsuri: What is it Iguro-san?

Iguro: If we tell Shinazugawa-san or sees anymore romance with these two, this might turn the cards by Genya getting in trouble. What are we going to do.

Mitsuri: Well, maybe we can keep it a secret.

Iguro: That might be the only option.

Mitsuri: Well, lets just head back now. After it is getting late.

Iguro: Agreed. Come on

Mitsuri: EEEEEEEE, coming Iguro-san.

A/N: And thats it for this chapter. Hope you enjoyed it. A/N out!

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