Chapter two: The meeting (2)

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After George dropped me home I turned on my television to watch Netflix and then I remember that I didn't get his contact, am I stupid? I guess I am. Well I might meet him again, I know two place where I can see him, the park or the restaurant so I shrugged and continue to watch The office and suddenly my phone rang, what? Unknown? Who could this be, it's not George because I didn't give him my number but I picked the call without saying anything until I heard the voice, George?

George: Hello

Esther: Hey?

George: it's George, do you remember me?

Esther:(of course I did) yes, how did you get my number?

George: From Facebook, you put it there. Also you need to remove it, except it your business number then don't put it, there're lots of scammers online

Esther:(oh, like you, I said in my mind) yeah I know

George: So what are you doing now?

Esther: I'm just watching Netflix, what about you?

George: I'm not doing anything, I'm sorry I stalked you to get your number instead of directly asking you for it

Esther: It's all good, it's you so it's not a problem.

George: Thank you, wanna meet at the park tomorrow? 4pm if you're free?

Esther: Sure.

George: Alright then, don't forget.

Esther: Oh, I won't. I'll go pick out the clothes to wear tomorrow, wanna pick it with me? I'm not actually going to wear it I'll just pick it and you choose the one

George: let's do it

After selecting a few clothes, I told George to pick and damn, he has great taste in fashion. I'm starting to fall in love. The call went on for few hours until he fell asleep on call, it was really cute, I screenshot it and whispered Good-night and ended the call.

The next morning, I woke up to something that made me blush like crazy haha, i blush as I read the message "Morning sunshine, how'd you sleep?"

"Wake wake, the world need you to shine your beauty"

He is such a cutie, one day we meet and it's already like he is my boyfriend or does he usually message all girls like that? I mean for greeting because no way we just met and he is already sweet texting me so I replied;

Esther: aww, I'm woke now

George: good, good. Are you okay with me sending the message, I mean we just spoke yesterday

Esther: it's alright haha, you can always text me like that, I don't have a boyfriend so yeah

George: okay beautiful

Esther: (blush) aww

I left to go brush and make breakfast while I impatiently wait for 4pm to come so I can meet George. As I waited, my phone ping (message from work)

"I know it's your day off but can you come now, I'll pay extra. Ellen is sick"

Darn it, my 'date' with George might be ruined so I came up with an excuse

"I'm really sorry but I can't come, period pain"

I feel really awful for lying but anything for George, I hope he can do the same.

My phone ping again
"Alright then, sorry for disturbing. Don't forget to take medication like pain reliever"
I left the message on read and saw that it was thirty minutes to 4pm so I thought "should I go now or go three minutes late, I don't want to seem desperate. Anyway I should go, it's not like I have anything to do and I just denied my extra pay, I'm going" so I left to the park and saw that he was already waiting there, wow.

Esther: Hey, George (I called waving my hands so he could see me)

George: Oh hey (he walk to me) can I hug you?

Esther: do you have to ask? Haha go ahead

George: Thank you (hug me)

When he hugged me, I'm not going to lie, I sniffed him, he smelled real good and the hug was warm and smooth

Esther: Love the perfume, what's the name?

George: Oh thanks, it's bleu de Chanel

The way he pronounce it was hilarious but I tried not to laugh

Esther: Cool, wanna get ice cream?

George: sure

We went to get ice cream, it was a fun evening, he paid for everything we bought, he is rich but I'm not planning to dry his pocket haha. We spent the evening talking about things that mattered until it was time to go.

George: Alright, Esther, I'll see you tomorrow?

Esther: Yes, same time?

George: Yes but this time at your house, is that okay?

Esther: My house? Yes it's okay (time for thorough cleaning) Should I make lunch or we could order sushi online?

George: Anything is fine by me but I'd prefer you make it (he said smiling)

Esther:(His smile is cute) Alright, see you tomorrow.

George: Yes (he hug me, wave and left)

Perfect 'date', I said to myself as I walked home.

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