Chapter eight: Forgiveness and sex

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After Sharon spoke to George on my behalf, George came back and we both forgave each other, everything went back to how it was before, perfect. George brought breakfast to me in bed, fed me as he usually does and we did the dishes together.

George: Get ready, I'm taking you out today.

Esther: Oh, it's been a while, where're we going?

George: Just get ready and by 6pm we will be leaving

Esther: Hmm, mystery outing, love it

George: I know you would

He kissed me and I went to the room to go pick out my clothes, I had no idea where we are going so it was difficult for me to choose an outfit so I went downstairs.

Esther: Can you please just tell me where we are going, it's really hard for me to pick a cloth. Just give me a hint

George: I won't tell you but I will say, wear something comfortable

Esther: Something comfortable? More like casual wear?

George: you're too impatient haha, just be comfortable

Esther: Alright then

He is stubborn head sometimes but I decided to wear a palazzo pants with cute crop top. I set it ready and when it was 5pm I went to shower again and put on my clothes and did some makeup. I hope these clothes I'm wearing suit the place we are going to.

George covered my eye and drove to the place, it was a five star hotel. Okay I know my clothes did match the place, don't judge me.

George: (laughs) this is exactly how I wanted it to be like (laughs)

Esther: so you knew we are going to a five star hotel and you decided to let me dress like this?

George: I got you haha

Esther: so why did you bring me here?

George: I'm not telling you yet haha

We got to our hotel and it was beautiful, well decorated, neat and clean bedspread and bedsheets. I loved it

Esther: Wow George, this is beautiful. Will you please tell me why we're here?

George: To have sex

Esther: What? You know we can do that at home

George: yeah but I wanted it to be special and perfect like you

Esther: Aww thank you George

George: (get on his kneel) Esther, will you have sex with me?

Esther: Stop, I thought you wanted to propose to me haha. Of course I'll have sex with you.

George: How do you like your sex? Rough or soft?

Esther: I haven't had sex before but I'd like to go soft first and we can be rough next time

George: I like the way you think (he leaves)

Esther: where are you going?

I thought I was being pranked, he asked me to have sex with him and now he's gone, wth. Am I even ready to have sex? I don't know that yet so I waited for him to come. After thirty minutes he came back.

Esther: Why did you leave like that? What's that in your hand?

George: The things we need for the sex

Esther: A sex toy?

George: Yes, more of it. Just try not to panic

Esther: Alright

George: are you ready?

Esther: Yes

George: Take off your clothes, during the sex, I'm going to go soft and rough so choose your safe word

Esther: Safe word?

George: a word you say to make me stop no matter what

Esther: alright

George: so pick

Esther: Unicorn

George: Alright

I took off my clothes and I could see George jaw drop by the size of my boobs

George: that's the definition of a perfect boob

Esther: haha thanks

He pushed me to the bed and climbed on it, the next thing I know is, he inserted a finger into my pussy

George: Do you like it? Should I add one more finger?

Esther: Yes please, add more

He added more fingers and fingered me, I felt something pouring out of me, George took everything in his mouth and kept on fingering me. It was amazing, I was turn on.

George: next thing is, I'm going to use my tongue this time, remember if you don't like it just tell me or use your safe word

He licked me, it was great, I have seen videos of girls being licked and now I can say I know what it feels like, George was getting an erection and soon he took off his clothes, my eyes widen. He is big and long, he is perfect. I never imagine that I would see it.

George: this time I'm going to put my private part in you, I know it's your first time but don't worry I'm not doing anal sex except if you want me to

As George private part enter me slowly I felt my leg shaking a little, the pleasure was real, he was going slow so he won't hurt me. Needing more of him, I yelled.

Esther: Faster George, I'm going to cum

He thrust me faster while he fondled my boobs and sucked my nipple, it gave me more pleasure, I moan loudly. Then George stopped.

Esther: Why did you stop?

George: (grab the bag and he brought out a vibrator) I'm going to use it on you, this is when you can start using your safe word.

Esther: Just continue George

He turned the vibrator on and slowly inside it in me, I was shaking, now I get why he said I can use my safe word now. While the vibrator was in me, George put his private part in me, it was surreal. I enjoyed every part of it.

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