Gringotts - chapter 3

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So now Harrison (Hades) is going to the ritual chamber in lower Gringotts to have everything removed except the Horcrux.

King Radnock lets Hades know "This going to hurt alot due to the number of blocks, potions and compulsions placed on you. I need you to change into this white shirt and pants then lay in the shallow pool. Once the ritual is done you will stay in our medical ward for a little bit just to be sure everything is healed and removed. Lord Black and I will be reviewing all your accounts for anything missing. If that is alright with you, of course?"

Hades is nervous about the ritual but still listening to what Radnock is saying about his vaults and says, "Go ahead I'd like to know what that man has been doing in my vaults if anything but if there is anything missing I want it all back with interest." Radnock says, "Of course, everything will be returned no matter what it is."

Hades changes and is laying down as several female goblins come into the ritual chamber. The head goblin lets him know it's going to be very painful but it shouldn't last longer than an hour at most and remain as still as possible. After saying this the ritual begins. Hades doesn't really feel anything at first but that changes quickly. He stifles he screams for most of the ritual except for the last five minutes. To say the goblins are impressed is an understatement due to the ritual lasting one and a half hours. Hades has the respect of the goblin nation.

Now while Hades is going through the ritual King Radnock and Lord Black are going through Hades accounts and to say they aren't happy would be completely understandable to say the least. It seems Dumbledore has been helping himself and several Weasley family members to Hades money and items. The King calls for the Potter account manager along with some gaurds to fix the problem. Of course Dumbledore is not aware of any of this as of yet.

Potter account activity since 1981: Date: July 21, 1985

Albus Dumbledore transfer monthly 10,000 Gallons since July 1981

Molly Weasley transfer 7,500 Gallons monthly since July 1981

Ronald Weasley transfer 3,500 Gallons monthly starting August 1992

Ginevra Weasley transfer 3,000 monthly starting August 1993

Order of the Phoenix transfer 10,000 monthly starting July 1981

All transfers authorized by Albus Dumbledore Magical Gaurdian (Illegal)

Items removed Illegally:

Invisibility cloak a Deathly Hallow
Books including Potter grimoire and family journals

Let's just say Sirius and Radnock are beyond mad. The vaults management has been taken over by the King himself. Now Hades is waking up to find he is taller by about three inches and he is healthier, at least he feels better almost lighter if that is at all possible. The female goblin in charge tells Hades she had completed a scan prior to him waking up and all that is left is the Horcrux. She hands him a better set of clothes to change into and once changed then she will take him back to the King.

Now the King and Sirius are waiting for Hades so they can explain the mess that is the Potter vaults. Once Hades is in the office they explain everything to him, to say he is mad, well that is an understatement. His magic hasn't settled since the blocks being removed so it flares badly nearly destroying the Kings office. Sirius fixes what was destroyed while Hades continues to apologize over and over. The King doesn't blame him after what he was told, the King understands.

Hades says, "I want to know what can be done about this! Dumbledore has stolen from me, made himself my Magical Gaurdian Illegally, added those potions, compulsions and blocks to me and redirected my mail. Made a marriage contract illegally. Were my parents wills ever read? I'm pretty sure I wasn't supposed to go to Aunt Petunia at all!"

King Radnock says, "Lets go to the Potter vault and see if they can be found. While we do that I'll have Griphook checking for any transactions for their wills."

Sure enough once in the vault a letter addressed to Hades with the original wills inside the envelope appeared. Lily did this incase someone (Dumbledore) decided to seal their wills and of course that is exactly what happened.


Dear Hades,

We are both are so sorry we can't be there for you. We wish we would have stayed in the manor like your grandparents and Sirius told us to but we followed Dumbledore so blindly that we didn't see how manipulative he is until it was to late.

I hope you are raised by Sirius and Remus. They will look after you as if you are their own son. We trust them with our lives and yours.

Now this letter was invisible to everyone but you because we hide our real wills with this letter. We have a feeling that Dumbledore will try to seal them for his benefit of course. Please be careful around Dumbledore he is not as good as he likes people to believe. There is a bracelet and other jewelry with this letter that will help keep you safe from oblivates which he is famous for, some minor spells, and will alert you to potions and/or poisons because you never know. As Alastor Moody says 'Constant Vigilance', it may seem paranoid but it works. To bad we didn't do it for everyone.

Now Sirius if you are with our baby take him and Moony and leave the country for awhile even if it is just to a Peverell property in country. If you are still in Gringotts please don't tell anyone about what you heard for locations.

I (James) have been in contact with Peverell house elves (before we went into hiding) and they are fixing everything that needs fixing including the wards for safety. Ensure to check the ward books for all properties for any names that are unwanted and remove them. Ask a house elf they will bring you the book for updating.

We love you so much Hades, please grow up happy. One more thing, the prophecy is fake. Check the Department of Mysteries for verification but we talked to a seer and was told it was fake. However, it needs to be verified because since Voldomort did attack you he may have activated a self-fulfilling prophecy but should have been fulfilled with his death. Be careful when you go, Hades will have to be there cause he will be the only one able to pick it up, do it soon.

We love you all.

James and Lily Potter

Sirius states, "We need Moony to come here for tests before we leave. While we wait for Moony to get here and get his tests done, you need clothes/boots and a starter broom kit. Maybe chocolate wouldn't hurt, can't go wrong with chocolate."

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