Aftermath And More - chapter 15

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It's been a month now since the visit with the Weasley family and the trails are over. The two youngest Weasley children were sent to Mind Healers at St. Mungos Hospital for thorough evaluation and Mrs Weasley was sent to Azkaban for ten years with a blocked core but only after Mr. Weasley served her their finalized divorce papers. She has been removed from both Weasley and Prewitt families. The Weasley family has taken up their Lordship title, it seems Mr. Weasleys father did not like nor trust Molly No Name so until the Weasley Lord title was accepted by its heir the main vault was inaccessible, so now money is no longer an issue. They fixed the house, acquired an house elf since nobody knows how to cook, her name is Tilly and she is extremely happy to serve such a big family.

Other families have been reunited and their vaults have been reopened, if they were sealed by Gringotts. All vaults that had been stolen from by Dumbledore had everything returned.

Hades and his family are still at Peverell Manor but everyone has been to Potter Manor and Grimmauld Place to see if everything is in order. Grandma has decided to live at Potter Manor with the elves and Regulus at Grimmauld Place with Kretcher. The family visits often.

Several months have passed after all the trials and Dumbledores office and personal items have been searched, no more trackers have been located but a second journal has been found in Dumbledores personal vault. This journal has a detailed description of what his plan was, his reasons for killing off families and where some have been Oblivated and relocated with no or altered memories and with blocked Magical Cores. After three months of reading Hades has found five families and he thinks the location of his mom. What he reads about his mom is concerning to say the least, it says Dumbledore gave both his parents love potions and that she is actually Severus Snapes mate. He decides to visit first before telling his dad. The visit is short as she doesn't even realize she had a son or that she was even married to his dad. Hades talked to Severus and was told she was on his doorstep about a week ago, she was dehydrated and malnourished but doesn't remember most of the last ten years. Severus gave Hades the letter he was about to send when Hades arrived and with that Hades left.

Hades went to the garden at Peverell Manor and read the letter but it said the same things Severus told him. Lily remembers the first couple years of Hogwarts but then it's just image flashes with no context so she is really confused, feels in a haze when trying to remember. Hades calls Tipsy to find his family asking to meet in the main family room, thinking with everyone there will hopefully help his dad when he reads the letter from Severus. Hades grabs Dumbledores journal before meeting his family, trying to prepare himself for the worst but is praying to every Deity he can think of for the best.

Hades arrives last to the family room and before anyone can ask what is wrong he says, "I found mom but, there is a problem. I want you to know Dumbledore is too blame for this situation nobody else, so before I give you the information please keep that in mind." Hades hands his dad the journal open at the appropriate page and waits. His dad reads, cries and then looks at Hades confused. "Where is she this journal says the area but not specifically where?" James asks. Hades then proceeds to hand his dad the letter from Severus but reminds him that it is Dumbledores fault nobody else. Waiting is killing Hades but he just thinks of everything he was ever told about his parents time in school and it all makes sense, Dumbledore must have been increasing the strength of the potions as the years passed to not be obvious to anyone.

Sirius speaks first, "I always wondered why she just started accepting you after all the times you asked her out and being around Severus to just jump to you like that. Him being her mate and then love potions explains alot. Don't you think?" Hades says, "Yup, came to the same conclusion!" Everyone looks at Hades confused. "What, after everything Sirius and Remus have told me about you and mom at Hogwarts it makes sense, right?" Hades states. "Dad, are you going to be okay? Cause I just got you back I can't lose you now!" Hades says, wiping his eyes trying to cover his tears. James sees this walks up to Hades hugging him tight saying, "I'm not going anywhere Hades, not anywhere but maybe a vacation! What you think? Travel the world see new places, learn new types of magic and spend time with family. While we get away from the fans and Dumbledores supporters for a couple years."

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