Dumbledore's Trial - chapter 10

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Madame Bones just looks at Dumbledore then looks around the room and see shock and horror on everyone's face. She says "Wow, I knew you were a manipulative old man but never believed you were insane too." Dumbledore says, "How am I insane, light is all that matters!"

Hades raises his hand to talk everyonelooks at him, "I can answer that but answer this question first. Do we have 24/7 of nothing but daylight?" Dumbledore just looks at Hades like are you serious. "Of course not, we need night to sleep! Stupid child questioning me!" Hades smiles widely, "So your saying we need the dark to sleep?" Dumbledore looks at Hades confused, "Of course!"

Hades says, "So we need day and night or light and dark, correct? How is magic any different, balance is required, right? If you don't have balance everything dies! EVERYTHING DIES! This includes MAGIC! How is that so hard to understand, I'm five years old and I understand this fact. Look in a telescope and look at the moon, one side is light while the other is dark, balance. How do you adults not understand this, 'Light/Dark' divide is killing us and magic. If I am a example of how you treat Magical children in the Muggle World we're screwed! Muggleborn children are descendent of Squibs lines forgotten or dying out. Go to the school take ten Muggleborn kids to Gringotts for inheritance testing and you'll see I'm right. You'll are destroying our magical world, WAKE UP! What are teaching at that school that I OWN? Didn't know that, huh too bad! Siri when this done I want to go to the school, I want to see what is being taught now compared to when Great-grandfather was there!" Sirius just says, "Sure thing pup!"

Dumbledore starts screaming, "You can't, that's my school I say who can come and go! I removed all those courses to dumb everyone down so everyone would come to me for advice! I'm the smartest wizard alive!!" Hades is laughing so hard he's crying doubled over almost falling out of his chair. Dumbledore just askes, "What is so funny?" Hades just sneered at him saying, "Is that why you have just been beaten by a five year old?"

Everyone has lost all composure and is laughing hysterically unable to stop. While Dumbledore is fuming screaming, "How have you beaten me, I'm the Dumbledore defeater of Grindelwald, greater than Merlin!" Well that shut everyone up super fast. "Did you just say you're greater than Merlin? Are you really that delusional? You are definitely insane, I'm recommending you immediately be seen by a mind healer, however, I don't trust your followers. Knowing you have planted people everywhere I recommend Potter house elves are present for your session with mind healer and as gaurd afterwards. Since you put them at Hogwarts illegally," states Sirius.

Hades calls a Potter elf, "Dot!" "Master Harrison Dot missed you, Dumbledore wouldn't allow me to look for you! You is here should me punished him, he bad, Holly is so glad he gone from school, she sick needs help Master Harrison." Hades says, "Of course, we will visit Holly shortly. Tell all my family its time to go home I'll be there soon. Dot, I missed you too." Before Dot leaves Hades hugs her.

Now everyone except Sirius and Remus are asking who is Holly and why is she sick. Hades just casually says, "Hogwarts is sentient her name is Holly and Dumb-as-a-door has been stealing her magic and weaking the wards amongst other things." Outrage is all that can be heard throughout the Ministry even with silencing spells in place.

Hades looks around the room then at Sirius saying, "Can we go now, I need to go help Holly and look at the coursework to see what needs fixing. The school board will need to come after this mess is finished. We need to stop at Gringotts also to talk to King Radnock about sending warders to Holly and hopefully fixing them before school starts again." Some Dumbledore supporters start saying they can't leave or touch anything pertaining to the school without the of the Headmaster along with school board.

Hades stands up slamming his inheritance test down making an image in middle of the room for all to see showing that he indead owns Hogwarts. He than says, "MINE, BUT PLEASE FIGHT ME I'LL CLOSE IT PERMANENTLY!" Walking towards the doors which open automatically shocking everyone to silence. Sirius and Remus follow him out the doors slamming behind them.

Madame Bones looks at Dumbledore while the room is still shocked silent and says, "If I reading Hades test correctly it states larger than Merlin here, so what does that mean for you. He had no wand when doing this projection or opening those doors that nobody else has ever been able to open once closed, as far as I'm aware. So tell me again how is all this that you have done for your so called Greater Good, because I don't see it. All I see is you manipulating so many people, allowing Muggleborn children to return to abusive households and being the biggest contributor to our societies demise.

I see want Hades meant about magic dying, we have fewer magical births to old bloodlines and more Muggleborn are coming in. We will be discovered if things continue as is. Is that what you wanted, start a war between the us and the Muggle World and rule after. If so, you're beyond stupid. They have earth devastating weapons that can wipe out millions with one weapon killing everything living. If your lucky enough to survive the initial strike the gas clouds kill whats left. NOTHING SURVIVES! What are you teaching for Muggle studies that you aren't aware of this. I'm done, you have been systematically destroying our world and we were to blind to notice but no more. Judgment time!"

"Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore you are charged with child endangerment, child neglect, line theft, assisting the creation of Voldomort and the murder of James and Lily Potter. How do you plead?," says Madame Bones. Dumbledore is panicking but there's not much he can do, "Not guilty!" Madame Bones says, "I figured you say that so here are Hades memories of his parents death and his so called family." While everyone is watching Hades memories, Hades, Sirius and Remus are talking to King Radnock about the wards at Hogwarts and how to fix them.

Back in the session, after watching Hades memories everyone was in agreement, Dumbledore is to be given the Dementors kiss for his crimes after he lists his collaborators in every location.

Sirius, Remus and Hades arrive at Hogwarts to be greeted by Deputy Headmistress McGonagall and Hagrid. After informing them of what is happening they agree to help. McGonagall gets the course records then calls an emergency staff meeting canceling all classes for the day.

Back in session, Dumbledore gives a list of all his collaborators and then given the Dementor kiss. All his collaborators are to be brought in for tests and questioning starting tomorrow because well everyone is exhausted. It is just alot to take in. An investigation is to be started on Dumbledore to see what else they have missed.

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