Chapter 21

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Headmistress McGonagall yells, "Miss Granger mind your manners!"

Hades says, "It's alright Headmistress McGonagall, I'll answer her questions, even if it's none of her business. I was originally raised by abusive magic hating Muggles, until I was rescued by my Godfather Sirius at age five, I went to Muggle school and graduated just before attending Hogwarts while at the same time still learning about my family and the fundamentals of our magical community. So I know how Muggles think and act as a whole. They fear what they don't understand and destroy it when they can't control it. As to your second question, what the goblins were doing here, that's because I hired them. Heir Malfoy, you recognize the difference and meaning between a Heir and Lordship rings, correct?" Heir Malfoy cockily says, "Of course all Heirs should." I say, "Good, please explain what this ring is and what it means, please?"

Heir Malfoy looks at the ring and gulps saying, "Heir Potter is wearing the Hogwarts Lordship ring, which means he owns the school and makes all decisions regarding Hogwarts. If he was so inclined he could close Hogwarts and make it his personal home. I have heard from the older students however, he brought back many classes removed by Dumbledore, bought new school training brooms, also provided new Quiddich uniforms and equipment including brooms for all house teams, increased the number of scholarships given, expanded the library, provided new safety equipment for each class if needed, that is to just list a few that I have heard. I don't see him closing Hogwarts any time soon."

Hades states, "Miss Granger I have a question, if you go visit another country lets say France, do you follow their customs and traditions or do you make a fuss until they follow yours?" Miss Granger replies all hoity-toity, "I follow their customs, it's rude to impose myself like that!" Hades replies, "Interesting, so what is the difference between visiting a different country and the Magical World? You come here it's basically another country and yet you expect us to change our customs to match the Muggle World when we most definitely are not Muggles. You learn the customs of France but not the Magical customs, why is that?"

Miss Granger just sits there pondering for a moment before answering, "Because if I'm to live here it should feel like home." She looked so satisfied with her response but didn't realize she just said the Magical World was not home, this started to cause her pain as her magic started to get taken away by Lady Magic herself. She said crying in pain, "Why does it hurt, what did you do to me?" Hades looks at her with such hate, "I haven't done anything to you, this was of your own making, you just stated that the Magical World is not your home. Lady Magic decided to rescind her kind gift since you prefer Muggles to your own kind. Magic is a gift! Yes we are born with this wonderful gift, however, it doesn't mean you can look down your nose at Lady Magic, her customs and still expect her to bow to your wishes. She is a deity, not you. Why is it do you think we perform rituals but to pay homage to Lady Magic for these gifts she has graced us with. I'm sorry Miss Granger but it's time you went home. Goodbye!" With that she was gone, her parents and her memories of the Magical World were gone.

Hades says, "Do you all understand now what I have been trying to do by reintroducing many of the courses that the Ministry and board have removed again after I readded them? Headmistress McGonagall do you still have the books for those courses that were removed by the board and Ministry?" Headmistress McGonagall says, "I hid them when they tried taking them, stating they were Hogwarts property and were not to be removed." Hades replies, "Thank you for that. Now Hogwarts I believe it is time to dismiss the board, don't you?" Everyone can feel Hogwarts just hum. Hades says, "I, Lord Harrison James Peverell, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Hogwarts, Gaunt, Evans, Emrys and Pendragon also Heir to Potter and Black do hereby dismiss Hogwarts board until such time as to when required by Hogwarts again. I also, reestablish Hogwarts including all her properties as a Sovereign territory. So I say, so mote it be!" Everyone feels what could only be described as blocking feeling around Hogwarts. Keeping out those no longer deemed worthy from entering Hogwarts property without permission.

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