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The next couple of days were entirely uneventful. You were left to your own devices for the most part, except for the evening's when you'd meet up with Natasha and everyone at the Hard Deck. It was becoming a familiar routine: your days spent on the beach with a good book and your nights filled with raucous laughter and beer. You were making it a point to stay away from the tequila and to keep your distance from Hangman. Bradley, on the other hand, was apparently fair game. Maybe he's not so much fair game as he is familiar. He was around often and you couldn't deny his presence, nor the way the two of you just fit together so easily. The past few nights his arm would end up around your waist, his hand resting on your hip as if it were normal, as if nothing had happened between the two of you at all. It was silly, sure, to let yourself be this close to him – to let yourself live in this daydream – but it felt too good to question it, so you didn't. Instead you cozied up to him, relaxed under his touch, often letting your head rest on his shoulder. Everyone took notice, but you didn't care. No one, except for Natasha, knew your history. You could play this thing with Bradley off as a one-time thing – a chance Summer connection. Either way, everyone knows it's not meant to last.

"You sure you don't wanna play?" Natasha asks, tossing a football between her hands. You come back to your senses on the beach, the deep orange sun glaring down on the sand as it begins its descent from the sky into the horizon, your skin hot. Laughing, you shake your head.

"I'll lead the Phoenix cheer team, how about that?" you say, lifting your arms to shake mock pom-poms. You can't even recall when or how you got roped into witnessing the game that was about to take place amongst the team, but you couldn't bail now, not when everyone – including Hangman and Rooster – was aware of your presence.

Natasha snickers. "Oh, Hangman is going to hate that. You have my full support."

"Now just don't make me cheer for the losing team," you say, half-joking.

"You'll be better off shouting 'Hangman'," Jake says, passing by, cupping his hands around his mouth to mimic the sound of a stadium audience cheering. "I never lose." He reaches around Natasha's torso and grabs the ball from her, spinning it on the tip of his pointer finger. He winks at you, his white teeth sparkling in the sunlight as he smirks.

Bradley's footsteps close in as he comes into view behind Natasha, running up from the water, taking Hangman by surprise, smacking the ball out of his hands. "Save it for the game, Hangman!" he shouts. Jake groans, tearing his eyes away from you to chase after Rooster. Natasha shrugs and turns on her heel to catch up to them.

You settle down into the sand, kicking off your sandals and watch the scene unfold before you. It's a treat for the eyes, the sight of everyone in bikinis and boardshorts. Your eyes drift to a shirtless Bradley, his skin tan, lightly greased with the sunscreen, the sun casting a golden hue over his body. He looks over his shoulder, his eyes connecting with yours. Heat rises in your cheeks as he catches you, but he just laughs, rolling his body seductively. You laugh too, but the moment is short lived as he's tackled to the ground by another body, loud 'oohs' and 'aahs' of exclamation coming from the group.

Hangman pops up seconds later, the ball between his hands, his chin lifting as he looks in your direction. Rolling your eyes, you slide your sunglasses down from their place on the top of your head so they rest on the bridge of your nose, hiding your stare as you take in the image of Jake. He's still looking at you, pushing off the others as he defends the ball, his body slick with sweat. His blonde hair looks almost auburn in the light of the sunset, making his eyes that much more green, a stunning combination. You push the image of Hangman away and refocus on the game as they set up again for the next play.

The game continued for a long while. Late afternoon stretched into early evening, Hangman and Rooster ignoring everyone and everything else but each other, going toe-to-toe on every play. It came down to a two-point difference and thankfully for you, but much to the chagrin of Hangman and his teammates, you were rooting for the right team.

HEARTFIRST (Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now