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Hangman wasn't kidding. He is good. Very good.

His lips are at the hollow of your neck, peppering kisses across your collarbones and back up to your jawline. He pushes you back gently against the door of one of the small stalls you'd slipped into, bracing against it, grateful the room was empty. You moan softly, your hands yanking the hem of his t-shirt up so that you can splay your fingers across his bare back, his skin hot and sweaty. He hums into your skin as you toy with him, your fingers grazing up and across his back, mapping each inch of him, goosebumps rising in your wake. He sucks harshly at a spot just under your ear, his tongue soothing the area as he pulls away a moment later.

"How's that for a souvenir, sweetheart?" he growls. Desire pools between your legs at the sound of his voice, deep and rough, his breath hot against your skin as he whispers. His hand replaces his lips, his calloused fingertips tracing across your new mark, his eyes dark.

You laugh, shaking your head. His eyes meet yours as you jut out your bottom lip, bringing his attention down to your mouth. He slides his thumb across your cheek, running the digit along your lips, encouraging them apart. You oblige, looking up at him, those green eyes drinking you in as you take his finger between your lips, rolling your tongue around the tip, sucking harshly. He moans, letting his head fall back slowly, revealing the soft skin of his neck, his Adam's apple prominent. You take advantage of the moment, releasing his thumb to lean forward and kiss his neck, letting your lips wander across his skin. As you do, your hands work at the hem of his shirt, undoing the final few buttons that remained. Pushing the fabric back from his shoulders and down his well-toned arms, you're able to really appreciate his physique, running your hands across his chest, feeling the ripple of each muscle.

"Jesus, Jake," you moan, pulling back from him, your eyes dropping to his abs. His eyes light up at the way your voice shakes as you say his name, your want for him music to his ears.

He clicks his tongue in quick succession. "It's rude to stare." He smiles, one so smug that if he wasn't standing shirtless in front of you, his hands on your hips, you'd quite enjoy smacking it off his lips. But this version of Hangman is undeniable, you'd do anything he asked if it meant you'd get to feel his body on top of yours.

"Let's make it even, then." You toy with the hem of your top, but Hangman quickly replaces your hand with his, easing the fabric up and over your head. He exhales at the sight of you, a light moan escaping from the back of his throat as his eyes rake over your chest. You lift your hand to his chin, tilting his head back to look at you. "It's rude to stare," you whisper.

He groans and you laugh, pressing your body against his hotly, reconnecting your lips. He sneaks his hand between your bodies, his fingers brushing lightly between your legs. You inhale sharply, grinding your hips down onto his hand, desperate for more.

The creaking of the bathroom door opening echoes through the room forcing you and Hangman apart, the sound of footsteps across the tile floor getting closer.

Shit. You'd totally forgotten where you are, so caught up in Jake — and the tequila — any ounce of responsibility or logic gone from your mind. He stands dangerously close to you, his breathing labored, his cheeks flushed red, his desire apparent beneath his jeans. You were legitimately about to have sex with Jake Seresin. At the Hard Deck. In the bathroom. Your friends on the other side of the door. All because of Bradley. It's a new low.

The voice hums a tune playing outside in the bar, all too familiar. It's Natasha. Of course. Her feet pass by the stall on her way to the one next door. Your eyes meet Jake's and he smiles, clearly getting a kick out of almost being found out. You shake your head at him, placing a finger on his lips at which he rolls his eyes. Your heart is beating wildly inside your chest, you couldn't be caught: not here, not now, and not by Natasha.

HEARTFIRST (Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now