Author's Note

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Hi there! Welcome to HeartFirst, a Hangman x Reader (with a bit of Rooster x Reader) fanfic. This was originally published on my tumblr, but I was recently convinced to post it here as well. I hope this finds the Top Gun community & I hope you all enjoy it. Thank you for clicking on my little story, I love it so much & I'm happy to have it out in the world (especially now that it's complete). Anyway, I've rambled too long. Below, you will find a series summary as well as some other details and fun links (including inspired playlists) for this fic. 

Happy reading! <3 

Series Summary: A trip down to the San Diego Naval base to visit an old friend turns out to be more than a simple reunion, as the reader finds herself in the presence of an infuriating, cocky blonde and an old flame she thought had long fizzled out. 

Word Count: 24k 

Contains: Bi!Natasha | Reader is old friends with Natasha "Phoenix" Trace | Reader has a past with Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw" | Reader has a lot of feelings about Jake "Hangman" Seresin | Rooster x Reader x Hangman love triangle | "You" POV but no use of "y/n" |

Warnings: explicit language, consumption of & reference to alcohol, mentions of sexual activity (story is 16+) 

Links, Etc.: (below)

Rooster x Reader inspired playlist:

Hangman x Reader inspired playlist:  

Read on Tumblr:

Read on Ao3:

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