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The walk across base was longer than you anticipated. Not by distance, though. The air hangar where Bradley holed up after training wasn't actually that far from the common rooms. The weight of your heart that dropped and landed somewhere between your chest and stomach makes every step ache, though, your feet heavy as you cross the street towards the large metal building. Natasha told you where to find him after you sent a text labeled "urgent" her way as you stormed away from Jake. Part of you wishes that you didn't, wishes you would have thought about it for half a second before walking out on him. He looked hurt, after all, but you had to see Bradley. Foolish as it was, you had to make sure he's okay. He might not even want to see you, might have nothing to say to you – you're not even sure you can stand to see him after last night. Regardless, you had to try and figure it out. You can't leave without knowing.

It's a quiet evening on base, the tension palpable in the air, the silence washing over you as you stumble out of the impending night and into the air hangar. The scent of oil and jet fuel fills your nose, your stomach churning in an unconscious response. A familiar tune plays faintly in the hangar, echoing off the metal walls, and you hum along quietly to yourself as you pad across the concrete floors in search of Bradley.

You cross behind the small jet sitting in the middle of the hangar, admiring its glory, stopping briefly in front of an open electrical panel. Bradley's soft humming mixes with yours, pulling your attention from the plane. You step away and continue making your way around, your eyes landing on him. Bradley sits at his work bench on the opposite side of the hangar, tinkering with tools you can't name. He rarely looked up while working, getting lost in the tools and parts, a fine line settling between his brows as he pieces together the puzzle he'd made for himself. You sigh, taking in the sight of him from behind: his broad shoulders strained underneath his black t-shirt as he works, his light brown hair flecked with gold as the setting sun casts him in the few remaining minutes of light. You fight the urge to sneak up on him from behind and slide your hands down the front of his chest around to his back and press your body against his. It's odd, acknowledging that the urge is still there, even after the events of last night. You'll always care for him though. That urge might always exist.

Looking over your shoulder out the garage door, you spy the sun halfway through its descent in the sky, painting the base in a golden orange hue, shadows stretching over the concrete outside. It's something to behold. You breathe in and let your eyes fall shut for a moment. Birds call to one another in the darkening sky, inviting one another home for the evening, returning to their beds for the night. You consider for a moment calling Bradley away from his work, asking him to return home with you, but you remain in your spot, knowing he won't return your call. So, why do you secretly hope he does? You don't want him to come with you, do you? You're upset with him, aren't you? Maybe not. Maybe your love for him will always eclipse your disappointment. You came here to check in on him, after all. Or, was that really all? Maybe you're hoping for more and maybe that's foolish, especially with Jake on the other side of the door.

"I know you're there," Bradley says, breaking the silence. You turn back and find him spun around in his seat, wiping his hands on a stained white towel, his eyes intent on you. He doesn't smile. Neither do you.

"You caught me," you reply, holding your hands up in innocence. He cracks a small smile at your gesture and your heart pulls at your chest. "What are you working on?"

Bradley sighs, rising from his seat and tossing the rag onto the workbench. His brows knit together as he looks from his tools to you. He shrugs and tucks his hands into the back pockets of his jeans. "You want to talk about the electrical panel of an old F-15?"

"Well, I thought we might ease into the other stuff..."

"I didn't think you'd come looking for me."

"Why's that?"

HEARTFIRST (Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now