Intruders Alert

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(Bowser and Pauline have everything ready to go and are looking all set to finally put the Mushroom Kingdom to the pits.)

Bowser: Everyone enter the large ship. (All of Bowsers minions entered the ship. A large army ready to fight. A trapped and lonely Peach was sat in her cage in silence while the koopalings and Bowser jr all came up to her and started laughing)

Bowser Jr: Peach why always getting captured by my dad. You really don't know how to defend yourself. (Peach just glared having been made unable to speak clearly). Your kingdom will be destroyed and there's is nothing your silly group of Toads or that fool Mario will do about it.

(Peach just sat there in silence breathing heavily) 

(Pauline and Bowser were in bowsers throne collecting their final weapons.)

Pauline: What's that? (Points at a metal cap)

Bowser: This is a metal cap which makes you almost invincible to anything which attacks you.

Pauline: Nicee, so you'll be using this to help destroy the kingdom. Excellent.

(An alarm started buzzing Stunning both Bowser and Pauline)

Pauline: What's going on? Bowser what have you done?

Bowser: Me, I've done nothing. But it appears that there's someone who has arrived here. That's the only time that signal perks up.

Pauline: Bowser we need to get out of here before anyone catches us.

Bowser: You go,  continue making sure that the ship is ready to go and if Im not there when the ship is ready to go just leave. I'll stay in my throne and wait. Don't you worry about me.

Pauline: Alright (she runs off to the ship)

(Meanwhile Links ship have arrived at Bowsers castle.)

Link: A volcanic island. Looks very very dangerous.

Mario: I say we should park over there. Bowser always knows when someone arrives here. And I see a big ship over there with A lot of his minions.

Kirby: Where's his throne.

Mario: I'll show you the way. But park here.

(Link parks his ship in a hidden area. They get off and start heading closer to the entrance of the castle)

Mario: Get yourself ready this is one strong person we are taking on here. We talking Donkey Kong Strength. (Kirby gets his hammer ready, Mario has his box in his hand and Link gets his shield and sword ready as they enter the castle. Bowser hears the footsteps with his seat to the back of them.)

Bowser: Well well well Mario. How did I know we were gonna meet again. You just never seem to let anything just slide by.

Mario: Yep always very stubborn and for that reason here I am ready to best your ass again.

Bowser: I see you have company. A pink blob and a tall leprechaun. You seem desperate?

Mario: Desperate? You threaten to destroy my homeland and you threaten with war. You always make me very desperate. And once again you've kidnapped Peach.

Bowser: Oh yes, while I found out she can actually defend herself now. Well she's trapped in a shop full of my army and Pauline who will be destined to destroy you island with a gem which you actually gave to her on her ring? It's very powerful and you won't do anything to stop it.

Kirby: Says who?

Bowser: Anyway, while they're getting ready to fly off. I shall defeat you guys here myself. (Goes and takes a metal hat very familiar to Mario)  You recognise this Mario?

Mario: (Gasps) Where did you get that?

Bowser: Oh that doesn't matter. With this no pathetic little tanooki suit will get me.

Mario: Well Bowser I'm afraid I've upgraded from that too. (Places a box on his head and taps the button. The suit forms all around his body with some arms which shoot lasers and jets which can fly). 

Bowser: Game on, (puts on his metal cap which puts metal all over his body). Because you won't be alive at the end of it.

(Start music)

(Link screams and charges for attack he attacks with his sword which Bowser blocks and bowser Blocks his shield too. Bowser punches Link as he flies heavily onto the floor. Mario flies over to him two fists in the air catching him on the belly which sends Bowser flying on the ground. Bowser gets up angrily and charges back for Mario who sends laser beams at him. They don't harm the metal so much. Bowser kicks Mario who gets sent in the air and flies off just before he hits the wall.)

Mario: I'm rlly gonna work on this to make this suit me.

(Link comes for another attack. Bowser takes his sword as he grabs it and link uses all his strength to get it back. Bowser almost has the whole thing but Kirby comes up with a huge hammer to Bowsers face which sends him into the fair falling to the ground on his back. Bowser breathers fire which Link shields with his shield as Kirby charges up a flame of his own on his hammer which  he then swings onto Bowser which hits him again. Bowser gets angry and started rolling in this spiky shell. Link and Kirby are new to this but Mario knew exactly what to do. He noticed Bowsers she'll wasn't covered by the metal so he sent a laser to his shell which got him and send him on the floor on this front. Then he flew down to grab this tail and spin him around and around.)

Mario: Kirby charge up that hammer. He's coming your way.

Kirby: (Gets his hammer out and starts charging with the flame)

Mario: Perfect.

(Mario flings Bowser across his room as he heads towards Kirby, Kirby releases the hammer hitting Bowser as he sends him flying into the air breaking through a wall of his castle. You could hear the screams of Bowser as he was going further and further away.)

Link: Talk about a home run there. Good job guys. But now we need to find that ship. (They hear something leaving the ground. Pauline's got this ship ready and is flying away with all the Minions of Bowser)

Pauline: Time to finally get my revenge on the Mushroom Kingdom. (Laughs evilly)

Link: Quick get back on my ship and let's follow them. Be careful she's charged that ship up using the pink gem so she's got some very powerful weapons.

(The trio head back onto links ship and are following them to the Mushroom Kingdom) 

The next couple of episodes are going to be chaotic and there will be lots of dramatic events happening. Stay tuned to find out what's going to happen next.

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