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(The army have started defending their castle against Bowsers army as the Toads were taking care of the Goombas coming through. Luigi was bursting fire at the Koopas charging towards him which blasted them all at once. He even jumped on a Koopa took the shell and threw it at the rest of the charging Koopas. Pauline sent a chain chomp which was charging at the crowd)

Luigi: Oh shit that's a chain chomp these things are deadly.

(Yoshi began eating some of the goombas and made his own eggs which he chucked at several enemies at once. He also had some great combat skills which he's trained with)

(As the chain chomp came towards Luigi. The Chain Chomp was stopped. Donkey Kong came over and grabbed the chain chomp by the tail to Luigis relief. DK threw the Chain Chomp at the large ship with all his might but to no effect.)

Luigi: Wow that gem is working wonders for her. Thanks DK.

(DK smiles but was soon rushed by a charging chuck which bumped him over. DK came off the ground and angrily did a smash which rattled the charging chucks. DK charged for the large Koopas..)

(Pauline was outside using some buttons to destroy some buildings. Zelda tried sneaking up on her using some of her power to fend off any incoming enemies. Yet to be spotted by Pauline. All of a sudden her crown is taken)

Zelda: Huh what??? No

Magikoopa: Looking for this.

(Zelda charged a Faroes Wind at Magikoopa which in turn took him away before Magikoopa could teleport. Making him lose the crown which Zelda takes back)

Magikoopa: Pauline she's here.

(Pauline looks over and smiles. She pushes a button which sends a heat seeker over to Zelda. Zelda teleports herself to keep the heat seeker away from her but it started homing over to her new location again. Zelda needed to be smart with this one. As the heat seeker was heading towards the ground she waited at the most precise moment before she teleported again leaving the heat seeker to hit the ground. This infuriated Pauline)

Pauline: Ugh this girl is spoiling everything. (She sees the citizens which were heading to the yellow pipe.) Oh no you lot don't. (Presses a series of buttons) 

(A bunch of missiles and seekers went towards the people who were escaping and heading underground. Daisy was wary of this and was in shock)

Daisy: There won't be enough time for the rest to go in before these hit.

(The rest of the citizens notice this wreck and are crying their eyes out screaming hoping they are still alive. At that moment they heard an explosion which caused even more panic. Daisy looked up and noticed that the explosion took place in the air. She looked rather surprised. She saw more missiles also get exploded mid air followed by a ship which looked very familiar parking up below this hill and in a few moments you saw the arrival of Link, Kirby and Mario.)

Daisy: They're here. (Smiles)

(Pauline looks in the distance and sees that ship arrives)

Pauline: (sarcastically) Oh great!!

Mario: It's time we save our Kingdom. (Puts the box in his head and presses the button which suits him up.

Daisy: Guys I'm so glad you're here just on time. Nice new suit Mario where'd you get that from?

Mario: Link shows me a few things I've missed out on. I see you've got the citizens in the escape pipe. This is really good

Daisy: Yes it was a must but Pauline's ship is next to there and we need help. Can one of you stay with me to make sure all these citizens get inside.

Mario: Link you've got a good shield and good weapons to help defend. Stay here and help. Kirby come with me.

(Mario and Kirby fly off whilst Link stays back helping the citizens head into the underground)

(Luigi was still firing some more enemies with his silver suit. He sees Mario in his new suit.)

Luigi: Hey Mario!!

(Mario looks down and sees him)

Luigi: (Points towards Peach in her cell.)

(Mario nods his head and flies over to the cell.)

(Luigi runs over to where Pauline was as she spots Mario. As she was about to press a button Luigi shoots a silver beam at Pauline which hits the ground and makes Pauline fall off into the ground)

Pauline: Ughhh who did that. (Looks up at Luigi)

Luigi: Not letting you continuously disturb the princess.

(Pauline charges at Luigi as they start a battle)

(DK continuously annihilates the rest of the Charging Chucks who go after him. Kirby now arrives as he is surrounded by the Koopalings)

Roy: Haha whose this little chump.

Wendy: He looks so ugly.

Iggy: And he's so small. Come on guys let's kill him.

Kirby: I might be small but I have one big thing coming your way and I'm not afraid to use it:

(Morton comes over to him.)

Morton: What big thing do you have which is gonna be such a threat to ME.

Kirby: Take one more step and you'll find out.

(Morton Charges at Kirby. Kirby charges his mallet and smacks Morton square in the head which sends him flying onto the ship.)

Kirby: Anyone else??

(The Koopalings we're shocked and ran away)

Bowser Jr: Ugh why do those kids just have so much fear. (Gets into his Koopa Clown cart.) I'll just take care of you myself.

Kirby: Bring it on little boy.

(Bowser Junior gets an arm from the clown cart and punches Kirby on the face. Kirby responds by throwing his mallet which hits the face of Bowser Junior)

(Mario flies up and uses his laser to break the bar freeing Peach and removing the mouth which was stopping her from talking)

Peach: Oh Mario. You've saved me yet again.

Mario: It's what I do princess.

Peach: But before you do anything else. You see that gem you gave me on my ring

Mario: Turns out it is very veryyy powerful.

Peach: Yes that is what's currently causing this ship not to be destroyed. Come with me.

(Peach and Mario sneak off and attempt to get onto Pauline's ship with there being some of Pauline's security guards in the way. Peach and Mario look at each other and smile while they fight off the guards together)

(Pauline and Luigi were still in battle as Luigi shot a fireball which Pauline avoided. Pauline then jumped and kicked Luigi very hard in the face keeping him on the floor.)

Pauline: Pitiful. I wondered why you were known as the scared one.

Luigi: Well Pauline. I'm by no means as brave or as strong as my brother. But one thing we both have is a good brain. (Points at the empty cell which Peach was in. Pauline looks in shock)

Pauline: Why you little. (Looks behind her to see Mario and Peach finish beating up the last guy and making their way inside the castle.) NOO

(Pauline starts to run after them but Luigi fires a silver fireball which makes her fall again. Pauline looks back at Luigi and glares but then smirks as she pushes yet another button which releases a Chain Chomp right in front of Luigi)

Luigi: Oh no where's DK. (Runs away)

(Pauline smiles)

Pauline: That should keep him busy.

(Pauline gets up and follows the pair into her ship) 

This is part of the way through the big fight to save the Mushroom Kingdom. How will things go down next time. Find out very soon!

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