Battle Part 3

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Mario: Plan B? What you got now.

(Pauline kicks down most of the garbage which had made up her ship.)

Pauline: I always had to make sure if I don't have a ship I still have an escape plan. (She reveals a safe with a code. The safe somehow was still in one piece after all that. She types the code which reveals a suit)

Luigi: Looks like everyone's after the suit thing now.

Pauline:  Well Luigi I'll have you know that this suit right here can also be powered by this gem to be something really unstoppable. Watch this.

(Pauline puts on her suit which was a pink and white metallic one which perfectly suited her body. She then got the pink gem which she placed into her arm and it charged her suit up with this electric power)

Pauline: I'll have you guys know.  I have weapons to fly around this entire area and blow up whatever I didn't blow up

(She then begins to take off and glide in the air. Then she accelerates up into the air)

Mario: Oh no you don't. (He flies off into the air and follows her around. Pauline decided to be a nuisance and fly all around in the air noticing Mario chasing her down she decided to tease him and make him spin and all different circles in the air and outmanoeuvre him. Mario did well to keep up with her. Pauline was diving down onto the ground while Mario was too at such high speed. Since he was following Pauline he wasn't aware they were heading towards the ground. As Pauline rose back up Mario crashed right down onto the ground)

Mario: Owww I really need some practise.

Pauline: (Laughs) Pitiful once again. Now let me get onto what I came here for.

(Pauline sends missiles at some of the citizens homes. She sends missiles at more buildings. She spent time just completely tearing the Kingdom apart.)

Pauline: I'll save the castle for last.

(Peach and the others were just watching on.)

Luigi: Our kingdom. (Looks ready to soak himself in tears)

Peach: Mario we need you to fly back up come on. I hope you weren't killed from the crash.

Kirby: I wish I could fly that high but I can't. I'm sorry guys.

(Pauline continued causing absolute pain to the Kingdom and then all of a sudden notices a yellow Pipe)

Pauline: Hold on a sec. Is this the pipe where I saw some people leaving. Hold up I don't want them to miss out.

(She sends a set of Missiles to the the pipe which exploded that ground. The underground base was no more as the thousands of citizens were reviewed and Daisy and Link looked up in horror)

Daisy: Oh nooo.

Pauline: Hello citizens. Didn't wanna leave you out of the fun. (She has two heat seeking missiles from her arms ready to fire. She fires them at the citizens looking to wipe them out. Daisy and Link got into panic. Daisy just closed her eyes and crawled into a ball. Link put his shield out in front of him knowing that's not gonna stop anything. He too closes his eyes. The missile was about to explode right into them in 3.... 2.... 1.......)   


Pauline: AHHHHHH.  (Daisy opens her eyes and sees Pauline being sent away as if she got hit and in front of her was Mario in his suit. Mario stopped the missile and sent it back at Pauline)

Daisy: Mario. The citizens and I thank you so much.

Mario: (Smiles and winks at Daisy but he knows the job isn't done yet) I'll see you soon.

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