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(Six months later)

(After completing and establishing the Mushroom Kingdom again. With help from the likes of Kirby, Link, Zelda, Daisy and DK who all live elsewhere. Link and Zelda returned the citizens back to their beloved home as they were all overwhelmed and happy to be back into their lovely palace once again. The mushroom kingdom palace was stronger than ever and is now very rigid and more resistant. They all also had a funeral in memory of Toadsworth and all the other Toads who gave their life away to rescue the kingdom. After that Zelda and Link flew away to Hyrule)

Zelda: So happy to see those citizens back at their home.

Link: Yes honestly. We just need to make sure to protect that gem.

Zelda: I've been on it for years it's all good. Don't worry about me.

Link: I'm sure there is more powerful people yet that will be going after that thing from you and from Kirby. We just need to watch out.

(Back at the mushroom kingdom)

(Some new changes. Mario has set up his on mechanic station which Luigi was so curious about)

Luigi: Brother I must ask. What's got you into these suits.

Mario: Ever since Link had me build one at his place I realised that I could really make some cools things which help me save lives. After seeing some of the powerful things that have happened here. I wanna make sure I'm ready for whatever else is out there. So I'm trying out some different things. Plus I also didn't wanna have to put a box in my head to put in a suit. (Mario kicks a briefcase which completely powers him up into a brand new elevated suit.)

Kirby: That's impressive.

Luigi: (Sees Mario taking his briefcase and looking to go) Mario we just finished building the kingdom and you're ready to go again? Where you off to this time.

Mario: I gotta take this fella home. (Points at DK who was eating a banana while sitting on a rock. Tired from the days and days of helping out.)  And also there's someone who lives there who I've encountered in the past. And link told me he was one of the few people who knew everything about the gems. So I want to have a few discussions with him.

Kirby: That's cool. Let me know of anything you get from him.

Mario: Will do. And keep this. (Gives the pink gem to Kirby)

Kirby: Oh yes. Guess you really don't want it now (laughs)

Mario: I haven't got anywhere where I can keep it safe. So you bring it back to the mountain where I took it from.

Kirby: Who's taking me home.

Luigi: I'll ride the odyssey. I also gotta take Daisy back to her Kingdom of Sarasaland.

Kirby: Alright whenever you're ready to go we shall go.

(Luigi gets the odyssey ready with Daisy and Kirby inside it and flies off)

(Mario walks over to the boat he built with DK and Peach.)

Peach: The mushroom kingdom is back in full force. Thank you once again Mario for saving my ass. (Kisses him on the cheek. Mario blushed)

Mario: No problem princess. But this time we worked together. I'll be off to Donkey Kongs island to meet up with the wise Cranks himself. I wanna learn about the gems.

Peach: Oh yes and I'll be sure to call you back here if my behind needs anymore saving. (Laughs)

Mario: Alright princess. I'll see you soon. Come on buddy.

(DK hops on the boat with Mario as Peach waves him off)

Peach (softly): Goodbye my hero (blows a kiss as Mario accelerates on the speedboat with DK as they disappear from sight out in the ocean)

That is the end of that......

Or is it????

(End Credits scene)

(Somewhere far out in Space)

(In a very unknown area purely known as the surface. A demon lord named Ghirahim who has knowledge of every creature has some interesting news to tell his boss about a couple of the gems he has spotted)

Ghirahim: My lord. We have seen that Zelda has used the triforce of wisdom a few times using the Red Gem. And I can also track a pink gem which is also somewhere on Planet Earth.

(A big figure steps out of his throne and smiles.)

Big figure: Let's call a fellow penguin who lives in that planet. I can send him some dinolfos and some lozalfos along the way. (Very sly smile)

(Ghirahim grabs the phone and makes his call)

If you lot know who Ghirahim is you lot will definitely know who the boss is and you will know who the penguin he's gonna call is too. Watch out for part two of The Smash Brothers!!!!!

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