Ship skit!

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(My motivation said adios and the little writing skill I had won't come back ahhhhh- anyways, pic not mine (duh))


Error was walking around a copy of Flowertale (as far as I know it doesn't actually exist, I just thought of a random pretty AU and boom, Flowertale. Uhh, so I guess I can claim Flowertale now? Not that I'm claiming anything. Anyways, story time.). Ever since the truce, he had been taking the time to enjoy the beauty of some of Ink's 'disgusting mistakes'. He had made sure not to be seen by the inhabitants, as while he may not be the destroyer now, he still was, so he figured he probably wouldn't be received the best.

He was in an open field of many different wildflowers, enjoying the colours, when he heard a small rustling sound just outside the clearing he was in. He tensed, then decided that, if they hadn't attacked him already, they probably meant no harm. In that case, they were probably someone he knew (don't know how that logic works, but come on, it's like 3am I really should be sleeping, cut me some slack). So he came up with the the idea to spook them.

He waited, heard the rustling again; waited, it was getting closer now; waited, he could track it to a nearby tree; waited. Then, when the perfect moment arose, he teleported behind their location and did a cliché "BoO!". A flash of yellow and black fell out of the tree.

"Owwww" came a voice. As Error looked down, he saw the distinct figure of Dream lying on the ground below him. He hopped out of the tree, landing next to the guardian with a grin on his face. "i"M asSuMMinG I GoT ya THeN, HmmMmMM?" he said. "Y-yeah, you sure gave me a fright. I don't think I hurt anything too badly, just sore, thanks for asking" Error only chuckled as Dream picked himself up.

"WHaT WerE YOu doINg Up TheRE AnYwaYS?" he asked curiously. "O-oh! Just tree climbing!" the positive guardian replied, slightly too fast. "Mhm, YeAh I deFIniTeLY BeliVE YoU" Error said, sarcasm lacing his glitchy voice. "Oh, alright. I was watching you- don't get any ideas! I was just curious when I saw the famed, although now retired, Destroyer of AUs relaxing in one of the very things he destroyed on a daily basis. (yeah, yeah. Whatever you say Dream. One day, you will admit to it, but not now.)" Dream said, bracing for Error to be angry.

"hM, FaiR EnoUGh. i ProBaBLy wOUlD hAve DoNE SomEtHIng SimILar iF i SaW YoU iN FlOWerFeLL oR sOMeTHinG" Dream sighed in relief at not getting attacked by angry Error. "So, what were you doing here, anyways?" Dream questioned. "JuST RealAXinG ReaLLY, iS ThaT IllEaGal NOw?" "No, just, you must understand my confusion, seeing one of the people I had been fighting for centuries just relaxing. I guess we all just want to chill now, though" "YeAH..."

As they were talking, both of them subconsciously walked over to the flower field. Dream lay down, and Error followed suit (Idk or care whether that's the right suit or not), albeit a few feet away. Now, this may be shocking, but Dream managed to make Error, yes the famously antisocial skeleton, engage in small talk with him. Alright, alright, get your gasps out now.

After about half an hour of just talking to Dream about their lives, Error remembered how long he had been gone from the mansion. Now, Nightmare may pretend to be stone-hearted and all, but he really cares about his gang. Like REALLY. As in if you kidnap or try to kill one of them he will hunt you down and make you relive your worst Nightmares (hehehe- pun lol- hehehe) for decades before he gets bored and throws you into a volcano. Nightmare was going to kill him for making him worry so much.

"i SHouLd bE gOInG... S-sAMe TiME aND pLaCe n-NexT WEek?" Error said, suddenly nervous. Dream was stunned for a moment, then smiled brightly "Of course! I'd love to" And with that, Error left through a glitchy portal, leaving Dream with his thoughts... 

And Bill. 

Wait a minute, BILL?!

The guardian turned around to see the tall sans floating there, a smug look on his face. He winked at him saying "Don't worry, I won't tell... though I do ship it like FedEx" he then left, giggling, probably to torment Error.

(WOOOO! Ship skit! I just wanted to take a break from the plot for a moment and decided to get one of my planned ships going (sorry Errink shippers, none of that in this book :P). the quality of writing was worse than usual- for real this time though, I did better than this in a school project I had less motivation for- and it had no purpose to the main plot but whatever, I'll write what I want, when I want. Anyways, thanks for the support- HOLD ON, IS THAT 206 VIEWS!? Wtf guys, thanks so much! Thanks for the support for writing this book. Oh, and that's 848 words!)

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