#1 [edited]

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Robin didn't get kidnapped and instead of the police looking in the house across the street from where finney was they looked In the grabbers house and save max from getting killed (max didn't deserve to get killed)

Tw: panic attack

I forgot the words in Max's death scene so I'm guessing

Finney pov

He's coming downstairs. I get ready to hit him. But instead someone else opens the door."Who are you" I ask." Im max don't worry I'm not going to hurt you. Omg I knew he was hiding something down here but this "
"Call the police or my dad or sister please help me"
" um sure let me just-" before he said anything there was a gun shot. Max quickly looked around in horror. He started crying "wh-what happened why are you crying" I think he was to shocked to say anything he just cried. I heard a lot of police sirens and yelling upstairs. I honestly didn't care what happened. I ran to the door and opened it to see the grabber dead and a police officer on the top of the stairs I smiled and ran up the stairs. "Are you ok" the police officer asked I nodded."go outside your sister and one of your friends are there" Robin? Hopefully it's him. I miss him and Gwen so much.

I ran outside and almost immediately got hugged by Gwen and Robin. Soon after all of us were sitting in an ambulance because they wanted to check if I was alright. They gave us blankets but they only had two. Gwen had her own because she looked the coldest and me and Robin were sharing one. I was kinda blushing from how close me and Robin are right now. A few minutes later my dad ran to us acting like he was worried, he probably wasn't he probably just wanted to seem like he cared. The cops questioned me and said I could go home.

*A week later*

Robin's pov

My uncle was working today it was Saturday and I was bored out of my mind. I decided I wanted to see if Finn could come over today. I called him and I heard a very sassygwen say "hello" with a sigh. "Hey  Gwen. Can you give the phone to finn"
"Sure... FINNEY ROBINS ON THE PHONE HE WANTS TO TALK TO YOU" OK I heard distantly "hello"
"Hey finn do you want to come over if your not doing anything"
"Sure I'll ask my dad"
"He said yeah ill be there in 10 minutes" and then he hung up.

Finneys pov
I was getting ready to go over to Robin's. I'm kinda scared, I know the grabber is dead but what if something happens what if I see moose or Matty. Should I even go. I thought I eventually came to the conclusion that I was going to ask my dad if he could drive me.i walked in the living room to see him watching TV.
"Dad can you drive me to robins house im a little scared to walk" he sighed but he still drove me.

*time skip brought to you by my lazy ass who doesnt want to type out a car ride fill with awkward silence*

I got to his house and thanked my dad. I knocked on the door a few seconds later Robin opened the door. "Hey finn"
"Hey Robin" I say as he moves so I can go inside. We go up to his room "woah you have a TV in your room "
"Yeah why?"
"Just my dad would never let me have a TV or a phone in my room "
"Why not a phone would that be more private"
"I guess"
"Anyway you want to watch Texas chainsaw massacre"

    He puts the vhs tape in and sat on the bed next to me.

Robin's pov

   While we were watching the movie he would occasionally hide his face in my arm. He would also say sorry every time. It was cute. I knew I had a crush on him but I don't know if he would like me or not. The movie was almost over and finn fell asleep he was laying on my shoulder. I laid him down on my bed and call Finns house. Gwen answered again. "Hello" "Hey Gwen Finns going to sleepover if that's fine he fell asleep while we were watching a movie" "Sure but if you hurt him I will kill you"
"Damn ok" I hung up why is she so sassy it's kinda scary I thought as I went and laid down next to Finney and fell asleep.

   Finneys pov

"Hey finney" I looked around I was in a pitch black void. I got tapped on the shoulder. I turn around quickly and fell. And I couldn't move but I fell on something bouncy and soft. I looked around as much as I could. My breath started to quicken as I noticed I was in that stupid basement. I saw the Grabber walk in. "No no go away leave me alone" he didn't listen.

Robins pov

I woke up in the middle of the night to finney having a bad dream. "Finney wake up" I said while trying to shake him awake. He sat up very quickly and I think he was having a panic attack. "Hey hey calm down breath " we were hugging and I think that helped because a few moments later he calmed down. He was crying still but he got his breath under control."Robin he was going hurt me" he said. "Who" I asked very worried I assumed it was the grabber but I didn't know. "The grabber"
"It fine he's dead it wasn't real remeber the cops shot him"
"But it felt so real and I couldn't move" he sobbed into my shirt. "Hey it's fine let's go back to sleep"

When I woke up finn was cuddled up in my chest. I blushed so much. I got up without waking him up. I went downstairs and saw my uncle. "Hi"
"Hey you didn't tell me someone was sleeping over "
"Oh yeah sorry"
"What's his name" my uncle knew I was gay I came out to him a couple months ago.

   I took the toast that my uncle made and went up to my room. Finn was waking up he looked a little confused. "Hey finn how'd you sleep"
"Good except I had a nightmare"
"I know you also had a panic attack are you ok now" he looked even more confused now "Yeah Im Ok but I don't remember having one"
*Robin explains what happened*
"Omg I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you up or fall asleep while you were hugging me"he sounded very panicked
"It's fine it was cute" he blushed a bright red and hid his face. "Here's your toast my uncle put butter on it"
"Thanks" he said quietly and took it.

Finneys pov

   Omg should I ask him. But what if he hates me after.im going to ask. Ugh no I can't he won't want to be my friend anymore. You know what don't think about it just do it.

   "Robin?"I asked very nervous. "Yes hermoso(beautiful)" I didn't know what that meant but whatever. "Ummm do you like me" I said the last part very quietly "hmm?"
"Do you like me you dont have.  I'm just curious and like I like you but its fine if you don't like I said -" I got cut off by him kissing me. I blushed a lot and kissed back.
He pulled away"so does that mean yes"
"Yes stupid" he pulled me in for another kiss.

1293 words

Lol this is kinda bad but I wrote a lot I usually write like 800 words per chapter

Tbh I only wrote this tonight cause someone added it to a reading list and I was so happy thank you person sorry I forgot your username anyway bye

Edited oct 23 2022

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