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There 16-17 in this)

Finney's pov

Me and Bruce were hanging out. We were just at the park because it's not that far from the baseball field and we were just practicing. "Do you like anyone" he asked me while throwing his ball up in the air and catching it.''Yeah but you can't tell him"

"Oooo it's a 'him' "he said smirking 😏 (lmao sorry )

"Ugh yes promise I you won't tell"

"Ok ok tell me " he said energetically. He's always like this. We always talk to each other like this. I don't know why but it was fine. He's also the only person other than Gwen who knows about my father's asshole of a father.

"It's Robin " Bruce gasped overly dramatic.

"I KNEW IT sorry"

"What do you mean you knew it"

"Oh I have many reasons 1 whenever you space out in class you look right at him 2 whenever you talk about something he did to anyone you smile and you're so passionate about it 3 anytime you see him come to one of our games you literally run to me so excited and say 'Robin is here'! Anyway I can go on but I won't "(also I have no other ideas lmao)

" do I really do all of that "

"Yeah you do "

Damn I guess it is a little obvious

"Ok well where you invited to vances Halloween party"

"Yeah I was, he was talking about it a lot apparently it's going to be really cool" he said excitedly for the party..

"What are you going to dress up as"

"Idk maybe a zombie what about you what are you going as"

" um the cheshire cat I think he's cool"

"Nice have you got you costume yet"

"No how about you "

"Same let's go get them do you have any money "

"Yeah let's go"

*at spirit Halloween bc I can't think of anywhere else that has costumes*

We walk in and start looking around.

"Ooo look at that" I pointed at a Jason mask . (I STOLE MY OLDER BROTHERS JASON MASK AND I DON'T HAVE A MACHETE BUT A LOAF OF BREAD WILL DO sorry) "do you want to be Jason instead" Bruce said "yeah"

"Why are you so indecisive like you can dress up next year too yk "

"I know but that's a whole year away" I said kinda sounding like I was 4

"Yeah yeah let's just get our stuff and leave. I don't like the jumping spider, it always catches me off guard" he said and I chuckled.

*the day of the party*

Me and Bruce were walking home from school . Gwen wasn't walking with us because she went to her friend's house. Bruce was going on about some asshole who didn't understand stfu but I wasn't really listening. Bruce started to pass his street. I think he was talking too much to notice. "Bruce your house that way" I said with a slight chuckle. "Oh yeah i'll pick you up for the party" "ok"

I got home and started to get ready for the party because Vance wanted the party to end like still a little earlier. Aka he wanted time to clean up so when his parents got home he wouldn't get grounded. So it was going to start around 8ish and end at 12am. I started to get ready. Should I put on makeup or like would people judge me- i got interrupted by my phone buzzing. It was Robin

Robin= bold

Finney= Italics


Hey whats up

Just wanted to know if you going to the party


Cool what are you going to be I'm going to be a clown

It's a surprise

Hey that's not fair I told you mine

You didn't have to

:( not fair

Lol anyway bye I need to get ready

K bye

End of call

*time skip to the party*

Robin's pov

I was waiting for Finney to come. Me and Vance were just talking until Bruce said he wanted to dance. Which was fine, it's not like we were talking about anything important. About 10 minutes later I saw Finney walk through the front door awkwardly. He was looking around. I think he was looking for Bruce or Vance since we're his friends. "Hey finney" I said and he jumped a little."Oh hey Robin "

"Let's go get a drink vance put a bowl of punch out"

I hand Finney a cup of the juice. I thought about whether it was spiked or not because I haven't tried it so I don't know. I tried it and it didn't really taste like there was any alcohol in it so I guess it's fine.

Me and Finney were dancing in the crowd of people. He looked panicked so we went to the guest room that Vance had. "Hey are you ok what happened"

"There were too many people and I don't know," he started to cry. "Hey it's fine" I hugged him hoping it would make this situation better. He hugged back so I assume he was fine with it. We sat there for about 20 minutes. He stopped crying but he cried himself to sleep. I picked him up in a Bridal style and brought him to my car. I texted Vance to tell Bruce that I brought him to my house so he wouldn't freak out. I didn't want to bring him home because I think the reason Finney started to cry was because he was drunk. He drank a lot of the juice and I learned that it was spiked with some sort of alcohol.

Finney's pov

I woke up to a pounding headache. "Mmmmm what the fuck " I said very uncomfortable. "Hey finn"

"Robin?" I questioned.

"Yeah ok so apparently the punch last night was spiked" he said

"What" I sat up really quickly then held my head. "Do you think my dad will find out?" I really don't want my dad to find out I'd probably die. "No but I told Gwen that you were sleeping over here"

"Ok thanks"

"Well it's 6am idk if you want to go back to sleep or not but I am so good night" he said laying down again." Night" I was too tired to tell him it's morning. I just noticed that I was on his bed with him. I guess I just didn't notice because it's so huge.(his bed is like a queen sized bed)

I woke up again and it was light out and robin had his arms around me. I blushed. "Hi finn"

"Hi" I kinda whispered

"How you doing"

"Umm ok I think" I said and my voice cracked which made me blush more.

"Hey finney I have to tell you something" he said

"Yeah robin"

"I like you and not like you like, like like you"

"Umm me too"

There was a silence but not an awkward one but more of a calming one. Then he kissed me. He kissed me. I kissed back after a few seconds. "So like are we dating? " Robin questioned. "If you want to then yeah"

"Well I want to also" we kissed again. Then he brought me home.


Finney the told Bruce all about it 😌

Anyway sorry I have updated. I'm not really liking the black phone anymore bv it's not something I can go back and watch to remember everything. I watched it on redbox and that was the only time I watched it.

1249 words God damn that's a lot of words.

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