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Holy fucking goddamn shit! I can't believe I put on his pants! In the heat of the moment, I didn't notice, but, god, it's hard to ignore now.

I feel like everyone is staring at me. Do they know?

Through the pounding in my ears, I can hear someone calling my name. But my feet keep walking as if my brain doesn't control them. It's like I'm watching myself from 3rd person.

"Steve!" Nancy grabs my shoulder, sounding irritated.

"Oh, hey, Nance!" She's gonna be mad, isn't she?

"Were you ignoring me?" Called it.

"No, just... lost in my thoughts."

"Yeah, right." Why does nobody believe the truth?

I brush her hair away from her face, trying to look like I actually give a shit. "Hey, can I make it up to you?" I pull her closer. "You can come over tonight and we can watch a movie, snuggle, maybe even make popcorn."

She smiles shyly. "Dammit, Steve." She hits my chest.

"Is that a 'Fuck off, I hate you!' or a 'Yes, Stevie! I love you and you're the best person in the world! How blessed I am to be in your presence!'" I give her an Eskimo kiss as she giggles.

"...Maybe a bit of both," she says. God, Nance. Do you even like me?

I make a point of checking my watch. "Gotta head to class. Don't want to miss our date because of detention! Come over around 8:00." She nods.

I'm almost free, when she grabs my shoulder again, spinning me around. "Wait, Steve!"


She gestures towards my ass. "Those jeans new?"

"Oh. Yeah. Why, you like 'em?" I strike a pose, earning me yet another slap.

"I just never thought you'd be a skinny jeans kind of guy."

"Just... trying something new."


The moment I step into Kowalski's room, I make direct eye contact with Billy. How did he even get here before me? I avert my gaze, hoping he's doing the same.

I sit in my seat as the bell rings.

"Alright, let's get started." Mrs. Kowalski straightens a stack of papers.

I slowly and discreetly turn my head to look at Billy. He is still staring at me with piercing eyes.

"As you know, there is a test today..."

Is he mad at me? Probably. I took his pants. And I made him super uncomfortable with my rant about him being homophobic and simultaneously gay.

"...If you have studied..."

Which assumption is he mad about? The gay or homophobic one? I don't think it's the second, cause isn't he openly racist?

"...and paid attention, Mr. Harrington..."

My classmates laugh. Kowalski gives me a proud smile. Why are all my teachers being bitchy today?

"...Then you should have no worries about this test."


The bell rings. Hallelujah! I probably flunked the test, but I'm homeward bound now! No more tests, no more teachers, no more goddamn Billy Hargrove!

"Hey, Harrington." Shit. Spoke too soon.

I turn around, ready for the worst.

"Those are my pants."

Really? "Yeah, no shit."

"Give 'em back."

Definitely Not Gay (Harringrove)Where stories live. Discover now