the county fair𖤹

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heather - conan gray

anne's beautiful red hair, blew elegantly in the wind.  she had a small smile plastered on her face and her arm was linked with her partner, roy gardener.

he had asked her to go with him to the county fair a couple of days ago, and she just couldn't disagree. it's the first time a boy has really shown affection too her.

his raven hair parted from one side.

she shared short glances with him, their arms locking even more.

on the other end of the fair, sat a very distressed curly haired boy.

gilbert was quite annoyed, as he had planned on taking anne to the fair, but he just didn't know how to ask her.

"ugh, i wish that roy gardener had never come to town." he said to bash, sulking.

"well brother, i doubt she truly likes him, she's only known him a month or so." bash responded, in an attempt to make him feel better.

"but just look at the way she looks at him, with that beautiful smile of hers, her ocean blue eyes glistening whilst looking into his. oh how i wish that was me." gilbert frowned, his head in his hands.

"wow you've really fallen for her, haven't you?"

"yes." he sighed.


"so roy, what do you plan to do when you have finished school?" marilla asked, making conversation, as moments before the pair was staring at eachother in silence.

"well, i would like to be a doctor. i really love looking after people." roy smiled, looking down at anne once more.

"wow, he wants to be a doctor and looks after people." anne thought to herself. it sounded exactly like a certain curly haired boy that she was attempting to get over.

you see, anne didn't like roy more than a friend. she had recently realised she was in love with gilbert blythe, but she didn't want to even think about being with him because of ruby.

diana had told her the only way she would be able to hint it to him was if she asked him to the fair.

anne wasn't very fond of this idea. what if he didn't like her back? it would be too risky.

luckily for anne, roy had asked her to the fair not long afterwards, meaning she could use him in an attempt to get over gilbert. he's a sweet boy after all, and she was sure marilla and matthew would like him.

the plan was perfect.

anne's heart stopped for a moment when she started thinking about gilbert. he always seemed to find a way to make his way into her thoughts.

"well roy, shall we go find our friends?" anne swallowed, still feeling butterflies from the moment prior.

"um- yes of course anne!" he quickly responded, removing his eyes from a brunette girl in the distance.

their arms still linked, they made their way over too diana, ruby, moody and charlie.

"hey guys!" diana said too the approaching pair.

greetings were shared before they all got started chatting.

"so guys, me and ruby wanted to tell you something." moody smiled.

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