Chapter Five: An Escape

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(Nolan's POV)

I woke up to the heavy feeling of someone laying on my lap. I looked down, confused. To my surprise, there was Tuesday, sobbing her eyes out while laying on me. "Tuesday?" I asked her, weakly. She shot up at my voice, her bright blue eyes widening. "Nolan!!" She gasped. She flung her arms around me. "You're alive!!" "Alive? Of course I'm alive?" I hugged her back, confused. 

"You were passed out for four and a half hours." Kitty's voice piped up beside me. "We all just thought you were dead, Tuesday was the most effected." Tuesday let me go and sat next to me. "She cried for..." Kitty turned to Lydia, who was sitting next to her. "What was it? Like three hours?" 

Lydia sighed "Well, she started crying when you very blankly told her Nolan was dead, even though I tried to tell you he was still breathing. Then, she sobbed in a ball on the floor for about an hour and a half. Once I finally calmed her down for half an hour, she then looked at Nolan once and cried for another a half hour. Then she fell asleep on his lap for like, 20 minutes, woke up, saw Nolan was still "dead" and cried for another 15 or so minutes, which brings us to now." Lydia explained, quite calmly. "Wait, so all of you just thought I was dead?" I asked. 

Kitty and Lydia nodded. "Seemed like the most logical option." Kitty crossed her arms. I looked around the room. It was made solely of metal, with a door on the left and right walls. It was decently sized, and the four of us were sitting in the middle of the floor. On the wall in front of us, there was what looked to be two large doors. They were shut tightly. There were no windows, the only light coming from a hanging lamp on the ceiling. "Where.. are we?" I finally asked. Tuesday let me go and sat next to me. "No idea, we just got kidnapped by some robots and they tossed us in here." She shrugged.

"Thats weir- wait... What?!" I abruptly turned to her. "Yeah, the robots went rouge." Kitty said, looking up at the ceiling. "Why are you only bringing this up now?" Kitty shrugged, looking back down at me. "What else dont I know?" I asked, looking at the girls. "Well, for starters..." Lydia began. "We're stuck here, and there doesn't seem to be a way to escape." She gestured to a chain attached to her ankle, leading to the floor. I looked at my ankle, noticing one there as well. "I wonder how I didn't notice that yet..." I muttered as Lydia went on.

"There appears to be others rooms, meaning there's other people here." She glanced at the doors on the side walls. "And, were probably going to die here." She added blankly. "Well that's... Lovely..." I looked around the room once more, searching for something we could use. Suddenly, there was an odd buzzing noise, followed by a female voice.

"Attention dolls, listen closely because I will only say this once." We all looked up at a speaker on the ceiling. Her voice was cold, like pure ice. "One of you, and only one, will be given a chance to escape. All you have to do is solve a simple puzzle." I saw Tuesdays eyes light up with excitement. "Whoever solves the puzzle first, gets to go free." The floor opened up in four sections in front of us. Four wooden boxes popped up in front of us. Each one had a eight letter, word padlock and many engravings on it.

"Good luck..."

The chilling chuckle the girl let out sent shivers down my spine. What kind of sick person does this? I thought to myself. "What are we supposed to do with this thing?" Kitty held the box in her hands, cocking her head. "You open it, genius." Lydia rolled her eyes. I picked up the box and ran my hands across it. I stared at the lock with curiosity. Suddenly, my finger caught something. I turned the box on its side to see it was on the word "Destiny" engraved on the side. I looked at it for a moment, running my finger across the word. I noticed something, the letter "E" was slightly deeper then the other letters.

The more I ran my finger across the box, the more I found slightly deeper letters. Eventually, I had found eight letters. E, M, O, E, V, R, R and another E. I thought for a minute of any word I could make with that. Then it hit me:  "Evermore" Eight letters, and it uses all of them. I flicked the lock until I had "EVERMOR" I stopped. I looked around at the girls. Kitty spun the box around on her finger. Lydia was reading all of the words and thinking them over. Tuesday, she was holding the box with box of her hands, staring with interest. She looked up at me, her bright blue eyes locked with mine. She smiled, her smile was so sweet... I glanced back at the box. The final E was only one away. Just one flick, and I was out of here.

I looked back at Tuesday, she glanced down at my box. She saw the letters, she knew the answer. She gave me a small smile. She lightly placed her hand on mine, the one that was on the lock. "Nolan..?" She whispered, looking directly at me. "Yeah...?" I looked back at her. She gave me a sad, yet sweet smile. "Dont die out there..." And with a slight move of her hand, she pushed the E upwards. The lock clicked open. She let my hand go. My eyes widened, shocked. "Tuesday..." I muttered. She smiled, but I could see the tears in the corners of her eyes. "It's alright, Nolan..."

The speaker buzzer again. "Put your boxes down! We have a winner!" The girls set down there box's, looking at me surprised. "Nolan from room 34 has successfully been the first person to open the box!" She clapped for a moment. "Nolan?" Kitty looked shocked. I couldn't bear to look at her. Suddenly, the chain around my ankle unlocked and fell to the floor. "Congratulations, really. Good for you..." The speaker girls voice seemed happy, but it felt fake. I carefully stood up. "Feel free to keep the contents in the box." The speaker clicked off.

I looked at the items in the box. It was a pearl necklace, and a pearl bracelet. The large doors slid open, filling the room with light. I closed the box and looked down at Tuesday. She smiled softly, a tear ran down her cheek. I kneeled down in front of her. I put the box on the ground next to me. I hugged her tightly, starting to tear up myself. "I'll come back for you, I promise..." I whispered, my voice shaking. I felt her arms around me. "I know you will..." I let her go. Seeing the tears roll of out her eyes broke my heart. She wiped her eyes.

"Go on, that doors not going to hold forever." She let out a forced giggle. I stood back up, grabbing the box. I glanced at Kitty and Lydia. Kitty looked away, crossing her arms. I could see the sadness in her eyes, even though she pretended to not care. Lydia gave me a soft smile and a gesture to go. I walked to the door and stepped outside. I glanced back at them as the doors slowly closed. Kitty was looking at me now, tears pricked at her eyes. Lydia gave me a small wave and a sad smile. I made eye contact with Tuesday, who only smiled. Before the doors closed, I mouthed something to her:

"I love you"

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