Chapter Eight: Reunited

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(Moxy's POV)

I was the first one awake that morning. I quickly woke everyone up and reminded them that the earlier we started on or quest, the sooner we would find our friends. Once everyone was awake, we started getting ready. We all had backpacks, but me, Lou, and Mandy, also had other items. I had been given a belt with all my paints and stuff on it, Mandy had a bow and arrow holster strapped to her backpack, and Lou had a belt with two knife holsters on the sides. (Don't worry, everyone else had weapons too) We left Lou's house and made our way to the pipe. Mandy pulled the lever and the ladder fell out. Everyone climbed up, I offered to go last. 

I climbed up and stared into the dark metal pipe. I nervously placed my foot on the cold ground. My footsteps echoed on the walls as I walked into the pipe. We walked for a while. Lou refused to put the map away even though Mandy said it was fine for now. We took a lot of turns and walked for what felt like hours until we came to a hole in the wall.

"This is it." Lou told us. His voice echoed off of the walls. "Down this hole is the forest that leads to the factory, all we have to do is follow the path." He reached into the hole and pulled out a ladder. He looked back at us. "Lets go." We all climbed down the ladder. I went last. I slid down the ladder and saw light below me. Suddenly, a beautiful scene came into view. It was a lush forest with trees as far as my eyes could see. I stepped down onto the soft grass and stared in awe. "Woah..." I muttered, looking around. 

"I think it's that way." Lou pointed off into the distance. There was a faint path drawn in the ground, with interesting plants surrounding the sides. "Well, what are we waiting for?" I smiled, running off down the path. "Moxy wait!" I heard Mandy call behind me. 


(Nolan's POV)

"How long have I been walking for..?" I sighed. I must have rolled over or something in my sleep, cause I woke up surrounded by trees and bugs, with a rip in my right sleeve and arm. I dragged myself through the woods, trying to get back to the path. I stumbled over fallen trees ever now and then. I had taken the ripped piece of my shirt and wrapped it tightly around my wound so no more stuffing came out. It felt like I had been walking for hours. But suddenly, up ahead I heard familiar voices. I couldn't quite make them out until I heard: "Moxy! Please slow down!" and then someone else say: "Sorry!" 

Mandy! I thought. I started to run, but I tripped and fell into some bushes. 

(Third Person POV)

Everyone stopped moving when they heard something in the woods. They all looked over and saw something moving in a bush. "What is it...?" Moxy whispered as everyone moved in closer. "I don't know..." Mandy whispered back. "Why are you all moving in on me?" Lou asked, unfazed. "Because were most likely to sacrifice you first." Wage told him. "Wage!" Moxy glared at her. "What?!" Suddenly, there was more rustling, following by something that sounded a bit like this: "Owww..." Mandy jumped, clinging onto Lou. The blonde blushed and caught her in a panic. Moxy hugged Lou's leg in fear. 

"Seriously, why?" He asked. A dark figure started to stand up and walk towards them. Mandy let go of Lou and squinted. "Don't worry!" Moxy let go of Mandy's leg and grabbed some purple paint. "I got this!" She pointed it at the figure, flicking it open. "Moxy! WAI-" Mandy tried to stop her but it was too late. Moxy squirted the paint at the strangers face and them fell back in surprise, rolling down a hill. They yelped and they flopped hard on the ground. "MOXY!" Mandy yelled, placing her hand in front of the pink fluff. "What?" Moxy looked up. "I think that's a person..." 

Everyone could now see the doll was in a perfect doll uniform with the the sleeves rolled down. There were some holes in the pants and the right sleeve was ripped off. The fabric from the sleeve was wrapped around their arm. They were laying on the ground, not moving. They couldn't see who they were because their whole face covered in paint. The group inched closer. "Are they... D-Dead..?" Moxy asked fearfully. The person sat up slowly. The group jumped back. They wiped paint off of their mouth and spoke.

"I'm not dead, but now there's paint in my eyes." It was clearly a male voice. Mandy took a step closer, he sounded familiar... He wiped the paint from his face, eyes, and hair. Everyone's eyes widened when they saw, freckles, brown hair, and a green streak! His slowly opened his eyes and blinked a bit. Green and purple eyes! It was Nolan! His eyes widened when he saw the group. Mandy gasped, starting to tear up. She dashed over, falling onto her knees and hugging the boy tight. "Nolan!!" She sobbed. "Mandy!!" Nolan smiled, toppling over. The two hugged and laughed and cried. Eventually, Mandy let Nolan go and noticed she had some paint on her clothes. She shrugged it off.

Nolan then explained to them everything that happened with the puzzle, the spy girls, what Tuesday had done, and how he had left a book in the door in the hopes they would escape. He started to tear up as he told them what happened. "Awe... Don't cry... I'm sure they're okay!" Mandy hugged Nolan. "I hope so..." Nolan sniffed. 

"You bet we are!" A cocky female voice said from the woods. Everyone turned around to see Kitty, Lydia, and Tuesday! Kitty smiled, crossing her arms as she walked down. Mandy let go out Nolan and ran over to her. "You're okay!" She hugged Kitty. "Of course we are! We are trained spy's after all." She chuckled. Lydia came up behind Mandy and hugged her. She smiled. Meanwhile, Tuesday had nervously walked over to Nolan. She weakly wrapped her arms around his neck. He smiled while hugging her waist. Tuesday smiled. "I... I missed you..." She said, clearly exhausted. "I missed you too but..." He pulled her back so he could see her face. "Are you okay?" He asked "You look tired." 

"Oh yeah, she hasn't slept since you left." Lydia walked over. "Tuesday!" Nolan gasped. "It's fine... It's fine..!" She protested. She stepped back. "Oh hey!" She reached into her pocket and pulled out the book. "Here's your book back." She smiled. "Thanks!" Nolan took the book and put it in his pocket. "I wanted to ask..." Tuesday began, Nolan looked up at her. "What's the teal tab for...?" Nolan's face lit up in red, he hesitated. "It's... uh...." He looked away as Kitty and Mandy walked over. "Watch this." Kitty whispered to Mandy. "itsyourfavoriteflower..." Nolan said, quickly and quietly. Tuesday cocked her head. "I don't think she heard you~" Kitty nudged him. Nolan glared at her, then looked back at Tuesday. 

"I-I.... I marked your favorite flower... incase I uh.... wanted to buy you f-flowers..." He said, blushing. Tuesday blushed, then smiled. "Awe! That's so sweet!" She smiled hugging Nolan. Nolan hugged her back, sighing with relief.

"I hate to interrupt, but..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2023 ⏰

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