Chapter One: Something Isn't Right

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(Moxy's POV)

It had been about two years since we defeated Lou once and for all! And I, for one, am loving how life is going! The towns have been merged and everyone is happily living their lives! A small part of me wishes Lou could be apart of this... But he's a bad person! And... He deserves this... Right? Pfft! Who am I kidding? He tried to RECYCLE me!! He deserves whatever comes to him..! Anyways, the robots have been acting off lately... I saw one crash into a wall while delivering me more ink for my printer, its never done that before! And I could have sworn its eyes flickered red for a second... It was probably just my imagination! But that's still pretty freaky... Anyways! Now that we can visit Imperfection anytime we want, I'm going there today! I need to pick up some paints and pink and blue buttons. Somehow, we don't have the right ones here in Uglyville.

I grabbed my small pink, imbordered purse and my flip phone. I carefully put them in my bag, checking to make sure I still had money in my wallet before I left. Yes, I have forgotten to put money in my wallet sometimes...

(This is what I think they look like)

(This is what I think they look like)

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I skipped out my door, sliding down the railing of my stairs and hopping off the bottom

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I skipped out my door, sliding down the railing of my stairs and hopping off the bottom. As I walked, people waved to me and of course, I waved back! Someone trotted up beside me.

"Hey Moxy! Where you heading?" I looked down to see my small, blue dog friends beside me.

"Hey Uglydog!" I smiled. "I'm just heading over to Imperfection to pick up some paints and buttons." I told him, looking forward again. "Why can't you just get them here?" Uglydog asked me as we finally reached the pipe. I pulled down on the wooden, brown lever. A ladder fell down in front of me. "They don't have the ones I need." I explained, adjusting my bag so it was secure. "Oh, well... I hope you have fun on your trip! I gotta go now! Catch ya later!!" And with that, he dashed off. I giggled softly to myself before stepping onto the ladder and pulling myself up.

Once I finally reached the top, I stepped off the ladder and onto the pipe. I took a deep breath as I spun around to look at Uglyville. I sighed softly to myself. "I always loved how the town looked from up here." I whispered as I turned around and walked towards Imperfection. I slipped down the slide at the end of the tunnel and hopped off with a smile. I breathed in once again, and breathed out deeply. Imperfection always smelled like a mix of fresh city air, and paint. I walked through the town, searching for the store. Some dolls smiled or waved at me as I passed. Of course, I smiled at them all and said hello. A few dolls stopped me to talk, but I was on a mission to find my paint and buttons! Finally, I reached the bright pink shop. The walls were covered with a colorful variety of paint splotches. The glowing sign in the window flashed the word: "Open" So, I entered the store.

A small bell dinged as I opened the door. It was a small art's and craft's shop, but I loved it. It always had just what I needed! It was called: "Creative Life" The walls were always decorated with pretty paintings and colorful lights. Suddenly, a female doll popped up from behind the counter.

"Moxy!" She smiled, her bright blue eyes sparking. "Tuesday! How are you?" Her smile was as bright as the moon and the shine in her eyes were the stars. Her lovely blue hair was tied back in a ponytail, and her face was covered with purple and green paint. There was a dripping paintbrush tucked behind her ear and her uniform was covered with colorful paint stains. "I'm great!" She beamed. "What about you?" "I'm doing perfectly!~" I said in a joking tone with a playful wink. Tuesday giggled. "This is why I like you! You're funny!" She laughed. "Anyway..." She adjusted the sign on her counter. "What will it be today?" She leaned on the counter. I looked around, noticing that I was only person here. "Just two buckets of Perfectionist Paint, white and light purple, and two packs of handmade buttons, pink and blue." I placed the money on the counter, I knew how much I needed. "Please." I smiled. "Sure thing!" The girl smiled, taking the money. She turned around and rushed to the back. While I waited for her, I could see a painting in the back room, it had a light pink background with purple and green hearts all over it. I chuckled to myself.

Wonder who that's for~ I thought to myself. Just then, Tuesday came rushing out with the buttons. "Here you go!" She dropped them on the counter and spun back around. "I'll be back with the paint!!" She called out. "Thank you!!" I called back as she disappeared. She came back a minute later with two buckets of paint. One labeled: "Snow White" and the other labeled: "Lilac" Tuesday smiled brightly at me. "Do you want a bag?" She asked. I nodded. She reached below the counter and pulled out a large light pink bag with purple and blue spots. "By the way..." I began. She looked at me, confused and bright-eyed. "Whose that heart painting for?~" I smirked, glancing at the painting in the back. Her face went red. "I-It's... A valentines day gift... that I'm w-working on..." She packed the bags faster, glancing at the floor. "It is February 9th after all...!" She chuckled nervously. "Whose the lucky gu-" Before I could finish, she shoved the bag at me.

"Well! Goodbye Moxy!! Nice seeing you!!" She lightly pushed me off. I giggled seeing how red she got, I knew exactly who it was for. The colors gave it away, but it is sweet. Just as I was leaving, someone walked in the door.

"Oh! Hello Moxy!" Nolan smiled down at me. "Hello Nolan!" I said as I skipped off. I glanced back at the store as the door closed. Tuesday's eyes lit up even more then before, like fireworks. Nolan waved at her as she hopped over the counter and hugged him tightly. I couldn't help but notice her face didn't stop being red. I smiled to myself as I walked off, back to Uglyville. On my way back, I watched a robot spill a drink on a girl. It's eyes flashed red for a second before it just sped off as the girl yelled at it. "Woah... How strange-" I muttered, getting cut off by a speeding robot. It was going way faster then it was supposed to! And again with the red eyes! It suddenly came to a halt and its eyes went back to normal. It shook it's head, like something was wrong. I kept walking, but something felt wrong...

It gave me a heavy feeling in my stomach, like a sinister feeling that something bad was about to happen... I made sure I stayed alert so I didn't get hit by anymore robots. Suddenly, someone came up to me. "Mandy!" I smiled, my bad feeling faded away, but it returned soon after.

"Can I talk to you?" She whispered. "Sure, why-" Before I could finish, she pulled me off to a dark alley. "Mandy? Are you okay?" She pushed up her glasses with a deep breath. "Have you noticed the robots have been off lately? Nobody else seems to notice..." I nodded. "They have been acting weird!" I agreed. "Have you also noticed their eyes flashing red? What is up with that?" I questioned. She nodded in response. I lower my voice to a whisper. "You don't think... He has something to do with this..?" Mandy let out a small sigh. "He's not Voldemort, you can say his name." I breathed in deeply with a hint of annoyance. "You don't think... Lou has anything to do with this..?" I said again. Mandy shook her head. "I don't know..." I looked up, the sky was dimming. "It's getting dark... I should head back to Uglyville..." I said to Mandy. She sighed. "You should, but can we talk about this tomorrow?" I nodded.

"We sure can..! 10:30 work for you?" I asked. "Works just fine, I'll be at my house." I nodded, turning around. "See you then, Mands!" I waved at her as I walked off. She waved back. Little did I know tomorrow wouldn't go as planned...

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