~Sam Winchester Imagine: Keep Me Strong~

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(A/N: The poems are part of the story. You'll see.
P.S. All poems in this imagine are by me)

Paint a picture,
It's pure art.

She painted a beautiful picture
That no one saw.
A picture as red as blood
That came from the heart
And the thoughts,
"I am ugly,"
"I am imperfect,"
"I will never be..."
So she kept painting that picture
Day after day.
Her little secret.
Not that big of a deal.
That was until it got out of hand
And she couldn't stop.
Her canvas was filled,
Red pouring down from the sides.
As for her canvas...
She painted that picture
On her arms and legs,
But no one saw.

Not that big of a deal.

Tears poured down my face as I ran water over my bloody wrists. I deserved this. All this pain. I didn't even bother to bandage my fresh wounds anymore. I grabbed a rag and cleaned off my thighs. Pain pulsated throughout my body, but I was used to it. Maybe not this much at once, but I still managed to ignore it.

"(Y/N)?" The door cracked open and I hopped back immediately wiping away my tears.

"S-Sam?" I croaked. Sam opened the door completely, and quickly ran over to me.

"What did you do?" He mumbled grabbing my arms extremely gently.

"Sam?" I asked again. Sam had been gone for a month now. He never told me he was coming back. Tears welled up in my eyes again from both sadness and happiness. My Sam was back.

"(Y/N) how could you do this to yourself?" He stared at all my cuts on my arms and thighs.

"I-I," I broke down into more tears before I could say anymore. Sam wrapped his strong arms around me and pulled closer to him.

I don't deserve him.

I buried my face into the crook of his neck and held onto him tightly. Sam pulled away from the hug and stared at all my scars and fresh cuts. He gently traced his finger over the cuts on my thigh, but I still felt the pain of his touch. I winced slightly and Sam looked hurt.

"(Y/N) you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and the sweetest person I will ever know. You don't know how lucky and happy I feel just looking at you." He lifted my arms up, careful not to hurt me. "You are too good for this. You are perfect." I looked away from his worried eyes and let his comments sink in. He clearly meant it, but I still couldn't believe him. I'm ugly and fat and the most imperfect thing there is.

Why does he even like me?

"(Y/N), look at me." He turned may face back to him. "I love you for a reason." His lips found its place on my forehead and he rubbed soothing circles on my back.

"I love you, Sam."

Everything might be alright.
Just this once.
But how can that be true when the
And our own minds
Are throwing insults at us?

There is always something to keep you
Family, friends, boyfriend, girlfriend.

And Sam was keeping me strong from now on.

Wow this hurt to write 😢


But tomorrow I have a Spanish dance performance (for school and it's my first Spanish dance performance EVER) and I have to wear these heels. Like I never wore heels before so good luck to me on dancing in them -.-


I HOPE YOU ENOYED THIS (even tho this was extremely sad for me) CHAPTER!!!


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