~Sam/Dean Winchester Imagine: Rose~

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Not a slash fic as always. I just wanted to ask you guys if you could do me a big favor and give me some ideas because I'm running out. So please please please please please give me some preference or imagine ideas.

"(Y/N)!" I heard Sam yell. I jogged down stairs and through the main room.

"Sam!" I jumped into his arms and he spun me around. "I missed you." I mumbled into his shirt.

"I missed you too, but to make it up to you for being late I got you something." I raised an eyebrow at him.

"What is it?" He chuckled and quickly gave me a soft kiss.

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you. There is one rule about it: don't tell Dean." I giggled and nodded. Sam took my hand and led me outside the bunker. Right in the front was a little Rottweiler puppy with big eyes wagging its tail at the sight of us.

"Oh my god Sam!" I bent down and the puppy ran into me. Sam chuckled and crouched down as well.

"You like her?" Sam asked scratching the puppy's ear.

"Of course I do." I said. "I just have one question... How are we going to sneak her pass Dean who is inside probably drinking a beer on the couch?" Sam scooped up the little puppy and hid her under his coat.

"Distract Dean." Sam said. I nodded and ran into the bunker to Dean.

"Hey Dean." I said awkwardly.

"Hi." Dean said taking a sip of his beer and watching what was going on the tv. He seemed pretty distracted, but I couldn't take the chance that he'll turn around if he hears Sam.

"So... Whatcha watching?" Dean narrowed his eyes at me suspiciously.

"Boxing." He answered as Sam started creeping behind him.

"Who's fighting?" I asked.

"I didn't know you cared about boxing?" I shrugged glancing between Sam and Dean.

"I don't really." Sam was finally clear and he crept up the stairs. Thank god this puppy kept quiet. "Well I'm going to go into my room. I'm tired, night Dean."

"Did Sam say when he'll be back?" Dean asked.

"He um-"

"I just got back." Sam said and winked at me.

"I still don't think you should go hunting on your own. Just because I'm sick, doesn't mean I can't hunt." Dean stated and pouted a little.

"When you get better, you can come." Sam took my hand and started leading me out of the main room. "Good night, Dean!" Sam shouted. We both ran upstairs into our shared room where the little Rottweiler puppy was laying on bed. She wagged her tail at us and stood up.

"What should we name her?" Sam asked plopping down next to her.

"I don't know. Where did you find her?" Sam chuckled a bit.

"I sat down on a park bench and she was in a rose bush. I got her all cleaned up and got her checked for a chip."

"Rose maybe?" Sam smiled and lifted the puppy above him.

"Hi Rose." He said. Rose squirmed around in his arms and dropped. She ran back to him and began kissing his face. I giggled and plopped down next to both of them. Rose growled playfully and jumped on me.

"I already love her." I laughed.

*______*1 week*______*

I yawned and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. Sam smiled and kissed my nose.

"Morning beautiful." He whispered.

"Morning handsome." I whispered back.

"WHAT IS THIS?!?" Both Sam and I shot up in the bed at the sound of Dean shouting. Our door was slightly open... Enough for Rose to slip out of our room.

"Oh crap." I muttered. Sam and I ran into Dean's room where Rose was sitting next to Dean wagging her tail.

"Get it away from me." Dean said disgusted.

"Rose, come here." I crouched and patted. Rose happily ran over to me.

"Rose? Rose?! It's your dog?!" Dean said angrily.

"Listen Dean, I can explain. I brought her because I found her in a rose bush. She's really sweet, just give her a chance." Sam pleaded. Dean glared at us and Rose.

"Just keep her away from me." Dean mumbled. Rose ran back over to Dean before I could stop her and tried to jump up on the bed. "Go away." He pushed Rose down. "Get her." Sam stepped forward, but then I stopped him.

"Let Rose work her magic on him." I whispered confidently. Rose whined and tried to get up again, only to be pushed down. She whined louder and even barked as she tried again.

"Get your dog away from me." Dean demanded, but we stood in place. This time when Dean tried to push Rose away, she licked his hand and then placed her head there. Dean actually pet her and smiled. I smiled up at Sam.

"Told you." I said and Sam chuckled.

"I guess he's okay with Rose." Sam said loud so Dean would hear. Dean snapped his head up and cleared his throat.

"Whatever." He mumbles and gently moved Rose off his bed.

*______*1 year*______*

"Rose!" Dean shouted. Rose, who was fully grown now jumped over the couch and sprinted into the dining room. "Eat up." Dean gave her some burger meat, which she got down in under a minute.

"Remember when Dean didn't like Rose." Sam laughed. Dean glared at him and pet Rose.

"Rose come on!" I shouted getting up from my seat. I started running all around the bunker, Rose sprinting ahead of me. Rose suddenly stopped and pounced on me playfully. Only now she's not a little puppy, so I fell down. I played around for a bit on my own, then Sam joined pretending to fight Rose.

"Dog people are weird." Dean said as he passed us. I laughed and playfully kicked him.

"You're weird." I said back before Rose jumped on me again and licked my face. Sam nodded in agreement.

"See Rose agrees with (Y/N)." Sam said. Dean rolled his eyes and left.

"Why didn't we got a dog before?" I laughed scratching Rose behind her ear.

"Dean." Sam simply said.

"Yeah well now we have Rose, the best dog ever." I said and Rose barked. Sam chuckled.

"Yeah she is."

Done. Whew.


^that kind of inspired this chapter^

Just a bit 👌

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