~Lucifer Imagine: Are You Mad?~

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-Lucifer's POV-

Fire coursed through my veins, feeding the burning rage pent up inside of me. My brothers were so blindly loyal to everyone, and it infuriated me. Despite my rage I wouldn't hurt them, not yet at least. Instead I do a little... Therapy.

Humans were just puny maggots. How could our father love them more than us? The humans were weak and stupid, not to mention flawed and impure. They were insects compared to us angels. So it didn't matter to me if I killed tens, hundreds, or even thousands of them. I hated every single one of them and killing them was the best way to release my anger. It wasn't like I killed just a few of them either. I killed hundreds around the world.

With a snap of my fingers the man began coughing and sputtering. He fell to the ground and spit up blood. I smiled and lifted him up from the ground tossed him at the wall. It felt good to kill someone. I could feel my anger slowly simmering, but even as he died it was still there. I needed more.

I exited the alley and got onto the street. I walked pass the few people who were rushing home and turned the corner of the street only to collide into someone rather small and a hot, brown liquid spilt all over me. Anger washed over me once more and I was ready to attack. I took a deep breath and glared at the person for a split second and only a second.

"I'm so sorry," she said with a worried look in her eyes. I stared at her for a moment, my glare disappearing, just taking in every feature from her (h/c) hair and rosy cheeks that complimented her (e/c) eyes perfectly. I'd never seen a human like her before. Every human I saw was imperfect to me, but with her it was different for some reason. She was.... Beautiful. Angelic almost.

"It was my fault." I smiled at her. She glanced at my now stained shirt and frowned.

"You're shirt-"

"It's okay." I put my hand up. "I don't have to best luck." I snapped my fingers and the stain was removed from my clothes. She gaped stepping back from me, but her eyes were still filled with awe. She thinks that's fascinating?

"How did you-"

"That's not all I could do." I said confidently as she smiled. I disappeared to get that drink she had, a coffee I think, and reappeared in front of her. I handed her the coffee and watched as her eyes grew wide.

"I'm going crazy." She said, finally finding her voice.

"No, you're not crazy." I confirmed. He (e/c) orbs looked at me in utter confusion.

"Then explain how you disappeared and appeared." She challenged with a playful smile.

"Not just yet," I tapped my chin, "but maybe later."

*___*2 months*___*

"(Y/N)," I called waving my few found discovery in front of me, "(Y/N) look!" She glanced up quickly, barely acknowledging me before she looks back down at some textbook. "(Y/N) look what I found!"

"That's a game system." She mumbled very monotone.

"Yeah, so come play with me!" She groaned putting the textbook down.

"Lucifer, I have the biggest test for this semester ever and all you want to do it play! Can you ever take anything seriously?" She said angrily. I smiled at her as she glared at me.

"Just one game!" I begged and pouted slightly. She sighed, her glare disappearing.

"Fine," she stood up from her table and made her way to the couch, "but you're setting it up." It didn't take me long to put all the wires in and turn it on. I jumped onto the couch next to (Y/N) and handed her a remote control. Although I said just one game it turned it at least ten rounds of battle and it wasn't looking good for me.

"This isn't fair!" I shouted at the screen. "How is it that someone as small as you can destroy me?" (Y/N) laughed and and killed me in the game, yet again.

"It's about skill dummy." She smirked and started another round. This time however, I was not going to let her win. As soon as she spotted me in the game, I jumped in front of the screen so she couldn't see. "Hey! No fair!" She laughed and tried to push me out of the way unsuccessfully. "Lucifer! Move!" She shouted frustratedly as I kept blocking her view until finally I had killed her in the game.

"Yes!" I screamed out victoriously. (Y/N) gave me an annoyed look before jumping on me and actually knocking me to the ground. She smiled now on top of me, her cheeks turning a light shade of red as my eyes locked onto hers.

"It's on." She laughed and started the next round in which she quickly killed me.

*___*1 month*___*

"What?" I asked innocently as I avoided her "deadly" glare.

"Lucifer you're a dick." She said angrily as she wiped water out of her eyes.

"Am I?" I laughed.

"Lucifer I have classes in twenty minutes!" She yelled at me and punched me in the arm. I chuckled at her. "This isn't funny! I'm gonna be late!"

"This isn't funny! I'm going to be late!" I mocked her. She rolled her eyes and I did the same right back. She clenched her fists. It was amusing to see her try to take me on like that and it was well... Cute and attractive. Everything about her when she was angry was amazing. The way her eyes were ablaze with fire and the way she looked when she tensed. Even the way she formed her words when she was angry made me just want to kiss her.

"I swear Lucifer sometimes you can be really sweet, but a lot of the time, you are so infuriating! I swear one day I'm going to-" I couldn't help it anymore. I cupped her face with both my hands and smashed our lips together. (Y/N) kissed back almost immediately. I pulled back with a smirk.

"Tell me something," I asked keeping her close to me, "are you mad?" (Y/N) giggled and punched my arm.

"Shut up." She answered pecking my lips once more.

"You can miss one day and then I'll teach you it. How about that?" I suggested. (Y/N) chewed on her inner cheek as she thought.

"And do what?" She narrowed her eyes at me. I smiled and snaked my arms around her waist.

"Whatever you like." I said staring into her curious eyes.

"Well," she smirked and wrapped her arms around my neck, "I've been wanting to... Play that 1v1 game again!" She laughed and ran towards the gaming system.

"I'm gonna win this time!" I shouted running after her. However, I quickly learned the only way I could win is if I cheated. After about the fifth round (Y/N) turned to me with a playful smirk.

"Hey Lucifer, I have a question." I nodded focusing on the game in hopes of wining. Just then (Y/N) pulled out a fatal combo and I was dead. "Are you mad?"



BTW YOU LOVELY READERS BE AWARE THAT THE END OF THIS BOOK IS COMING SOON! 70 will be the last chapter. So expect a lot of imagines :)




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