forest and flowers

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Strolling through the dark forest for the past three hours made me question if this path is right or not. I stiffled a yawn in an attempt to hide my sleepiness from grace, but her ears perked up from the sound and I chuckled and stroked her neck.

Grace, a large and built beautiful horse, her hair fine black and eyes golden honey which makes her an really dark beauty and best part is that she is well mannered and joyous all the times. Her energy doesn't extinguish even after a long hike up the mountains or from running through roads for hours.

However, I , on the other hand was really exhausted from keeping awake till late nights in case of an attack, these woods and the lake region is not that populated and there ain't a village up until 10 miles away but it was the only way to cross the borders of Tanbarun without getting noticed by the guards. Hence making it a likeable area for bandands to reside temporarily.

A loud cry made me avert my eyes onto the greem bushes, the cries were more like of a kid and it became louder as I neared to them. I placed a hand on grace's back to motion her to stop and she halted in a second before I climbed down and rushed to look in the direction of the cries.

My heart clenched in my chest as the cries turned painful and it almost bursted my ears before I heard other sounds as well.

" Ugh, keep shut, you stupid child!There is no one to save you here! " a man shrieked, anger evident in his speech.

I carefully peeked through the leaves and thorns after pushing then aside a little, and the sight was horrifying. A small girl with pink hair crouched on the ground with her feets and hands cuffed, her wails not stopping as her tears roll down her dirty and muddy face and fall onto her tattered dress.

How could somebody do such a terrible and sinful thing to a child? They were monsters.

The sight made my blood boil. There were two evil man, one sitting against the tree and the other was the one who was yelling earlier. His partner said something and they both snickered and I realised that the one with black moustache was pulling out a knife from his brown bag and I lost it.

I ripped myself from the shadows, and then took out one of my spears and aimed for the hand of the guy who held the knife. The spear cut through his skin and he screamed in pain before his hand was filled with red. Blood.

It was disgusting how he screamed in pain when his hands didn't tremble at the thought of hurting the kid.

" You bitch! Who the heck are you? How dare hurt him?! " the one who was leaning against the tree said, his figure raised and he charged at me with his sword. I didn't flinch as my sword connected his.

His posture was wobbly which made me smirk, saying " Just like this. " I pushed him with my sword and with the wooden hold connecting to his jaw I sent him flying and his back hit the tree and he was knocked out in a second.

I looked back when I heard the child scream in terror and saw the other guy, holding a knife against the child's neck. I gritted my teeth in disgust and anger.

" Throw your sword away! Now! Or else this pretty neck will be torn in pieces. " he demanded and forcefully I obliged. I set down the sword at the sight of the the kid's tears streaming down her face.

The man behind her, held knife in his left hand but blood continued to stream down his entire right arm and the bleeding is excessive, which means the cut was really deep and the poison on the spear must've already invaded his system, all I need is to just distract him long enough to let the poison spread more to immobilize him.

" You're so pathetic, hiding behind a kid and no balls to take me on. Too scared that you'd be beaten by a woman huh? " I wiggled my eyebrow and smirked when he clenched his jaw in anger, and yelled again but it was cut off when his legs gave out and he feel on his knees, behind the girl and the knife was lying on the grass.

The poison finally worked.

I carefully picked my sword from the ground and hurried to the child and she looked mortified and frozen, her skin pale and cold as ice. When my fingers touched her face, I felt the lines of her tears and wiped it with the back of my hand, as she hicupped. I took off my cloak and securely wrapped it around the girl before I shushed her, " No need to be scared anymore, they can't hurt you."

My eyes checked up on the both kidnappers. One was still knocked out and other was lying on the grass with blood painting the soil with red. I grabbed the brown bag and a bunch of keys fell into my palm. I rushed to free the child from the metallic chains.

I scrunched my eyebrows and clicked my tongue in rage, as I noticed the blood drops around her ankles and wrists and wished I could've hurted the kidnappers more. The child was still quivering, her skin still cold as ice and I grew concerned. Picking her up in my embrace, I guided my way back to grace and her eyes looked at the girl in my hold as I made her sit on her back and patted her to weight for me.

I couldn't leave those kidnappers alone, they need to be handed over to the guards and sent to jail for their crimes. I tied a knot around the bleeding hand of the man to stop it and chained them both to the tree branch.

The poison will wear off in 24 hours, and it was only used to immobilize him and not kill him but for the other one I injected him the same poison so he couldn't wake up until the guards arrive tomorrow.

I arrived back to grace, and climbed her back again with the child clinging to my shirt, as I continued the journey to the Clarines Kingdom, which is just a mile away from here. But just a few minutes later, the sun was going down, the air turned colder as it hit my face and I knew that I must need to find a shelter as soon as possible.

I made out a big dark shadow of a cottage from the road and patted grace to turn our direction, she and the girl gripped tightened around my shirt and I chuckled at her reaction to grace. I rubbed a hand on her back before calmly saying, " She is just super joyful sometimes, but don't be scared she is nice and you're safe with us. "

Even though we reached the small house, the doors were locked and no one answered the door and there was no other option than to stay out of this house, since the night had already fallen over the sky. I saw grace lying down on the ground and the girl with pink hair curled up against her when I returned. The sight made my heart warm up and I was happy that the girl was finally resurfacing from the trauma.

I wished I had some other medicines for treating her wounds though but I already used most of them during the journey to clarines. At least, I had some food for the two of us. I took out an apple and the girl sniffed before taking a bite of it and then she hungrily munched on it. Grace had already feasted on grass earlier today, do she just slept peacefully.

After making sure they were both asleep, I gazed at the stars as I took out the bottle of alcohol and poured myself one cup and gulping it down. I sighed at the taste and looked back at the pink haired girl sleeping soundly and securely against grace. Her body curled to make sure she doesn't get cold and the cape draped over her body.

I felt glad that I took that path in the forest, if not that I don't even want to imagine what they could've done to this girl. Her life will be changed after from this but I wonder if meeting her, would change anything in my life?

A/n:- hey dumplings! It's me here! I know that most of you all have not expected this but again I told you this story will jot be following the anime too much and there might be many so in offs but I HOPE YOU ENJOY READING IT!

If you like the story please drop a vote, comment your thoughts and I'll appreciate if you follow me. I hope you have a nice day/night.

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