the kingdom of silver knights

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It was already noon after the checkup of Rose and giving her details to the patrolling guards for the missing child. In one way or another, I had to find her parents because I can't have her stay with me here. In the Wistal castle, the two front guards were suspicious of me but after they looked at the Royal order in my hand, they let me in the castle. If the city was beautiful, the palace was like heaven.

I was escorted to the cabins of Zen Wisteria by one of the guards. They kept stealing glancing at my face above my eyebrows right where the dark skin was, it couldn't be covered with the hair because of the braids but I was used to it by now. The door busted open and Mistuhide ran out in a hurry, he looked confused as he saw me standing just before him and asked hurriedly, "Did you see Zen anywhere? "

I only shook my head before he sprinted down the hallway, he was really fast and I couldn't help but laugh at it. Zen must've run off somewhere again. I saw kiki calmly standing there, she looked outside where I was looking and we both saw Zen jump off the front gate.

"He always loves to give him a hard time, not that I blame him,. she said quietly.

"How's Rose? Did the doctors examine her? "

"Yes, they said her inability to speak is because of the psychological stress. It'll take a little time for her to speak up. I'm afraid for about 2-3 months." she nodded her head, and the guard left us in silence.

"You see, Zen and I were just looking at the list of applicants for the knights at the Royal Palace, he was surprised to see your name there." I looked at her, it was for this reason I came here today. Today is the exam and I never had an opportunity to tell either of them why I came to Clarines. It was inevitable for me to apply for the job since I'm a trained swordsman, not to mention I've been trained to be one here specifically.

"That's the reason I'm here today. " I responded and this time Zen was running back inside the castle as Mistuhide chased after him.  Even though he looks just like a prince, his desire to be like a free kid is always showing." Let's go, you don't wanna be late to the selection. After all, I'm the one who'll be examining your skills and not to mention Lord Haruka. He is a tough one to please." she gave me a little smirk, her blonde hair completely shining like the sun.

"I have a feeling it'll be a little tough selection if you're the examiner. " I respond and she smugly smiled.

'A little '


I take back what I say, she's not holding back at all, even though I just completed 2 spars with her. The exam had archery, combat, sword spar -2 matches, and some physical challenges. However, kiki went on with another match with the Wistal guard's sword this time.

There were other applicants as well as Zen, Mistuhide, and Lord Hakura, it was already the evening when I completed my exam but kiki wanted another match with the Royal Knights sword in hand. And this was heavier than mine. Heck, how can she move fast in her constricting clothes? I have to adapt quickly I want to beat her and get this job

I did my best to defend her attacks and it was lasting for a solid 15 minutes until we both were breathing hard, still not backing down at all. It was the time my stamina should've run out but I needed to pass this test no matter what. I just wanted a little careless opening and I landed to blow both our swords away and then we both fell on the ground.

"Does this...... mean I pass?" I asked panting, standing up a second later than her, as the golden light shone on her face a small smile crept on her face but washed away before anybody else could witness it. For a moment her face looked elegant, she could make hundreds of men surrender to their knees with just her smile.  

A killer smile, is it called?

"Without a doubt, you pass. You might as well have applied for the silver knight." mitsuhide laughed a little, the lord was accompanying him and Zen was by his side. From the looks of it, he was a serious and not a trusting person. However, if there was his highness, Zen Wisteria by my side it would be easier to get into the castle.

The thought of using our friendship to get to my goal made me disgusted, my stomach hurt as I smiled cheerfully as he raised his green flag with him smiling back at me. I had lived these whole 20 years betraying people's trust, slashing away their bodies and stomping onto their corpses without showing a hint of emotion. I can see it, the future where his confusion and sadness are similar to those of who I'd murdered cold-bloodedly for a selfish cause. 

He stands up with the lord, the working id was engraved with my name as they didn't want to delay further in recruiting a knight, Zen stood up from his seat along with Lord Haruka whose face remained poker, with no hint of emotion. I kneeled as the sun was about to sink the horizon any moment now, I felt the same hurling feeling in my stomach, it was unusual in most situations. Why do I feel so much pity? 

It could be answered later, but for now, I must stay focused on what's at stake, I can't blow this chance up. I kept my composure despite the agony and guilt burning my skin. I knelt on one knee on the dry grass, keeping my head down as the lord took the id, and the next moment there was silence, I looked up to see a shocked look on the Lord as he stared at the id.

"Lord Haruka, as Mitsuhide himself suggested that her knight skills are apart from the status of the royal guard, I want to recruit talented knights to ensure the safety of our kingdom and palace. The title of silver knight  is fit for her." Zen cleared the confusion around, mitsuhide smiled as the prince and he shared the same thought. 

The Lord gave in, next moment I held the position of a silver knight and the wistal sword, crafted by the master wordsmith, the ore used is the phoenix ore, the one which is a long time is preserved in the national treasure and only used for swords and kingdom crown. It is not just a namely ore which is an alloy of iron and bismuth, but the metallic scales of the golden phoenix, one of the many protectors which resided in the west valley of gold, that one mountain was where it was extracted from and that mountain was home to that phoenix which was one of the greatest protectors of Wisteria Kingdom.

I supported myself up on my heavy feet, wielding the sword high, the sun rays reflecting off as I aloud swore the oath of loyalty of wisteria knight. Remorse, guilt, and sadness weren't anywhere now, as I looked into the eyes of those who looked at me with trust. I was smiling with a bitter taste in my mouth, laughing at my fate and the irony of my life as I swore the oath to be the sun ray as a knight to eradicate any speck of darkness around Wisteria when since birth, my life, my breath, and my hands were tied to the symbol of darkness, and my soul was sold to the devil of the king of  Auravedan Kingdom. I was the dark knight who had to follow orders from him, who had no freedom and no will of her own.

Here I am yet, in the sunshine kingdom whose Sun will no longer be alive and I will be the one to bring their world into darkness. After all, that's why I was sent here, to slaughter the two sons of Wisteria Kingdom.

A/N: this storyline contain some modifications, and a entirely different plotline but the character will be somewhat similar to the anime, however I wanted to give the plot a little historical and fantasy touches. After all, it is gonna be a original work soon. hope you liked it, and vote and comment if you do. I would appreciate thoughts on the chapters.

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