red - the resemblance of fate

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A distant sound of voices forced me to wake up in a jerk, I witnessed that we were still in a garden of the cottage and the kid was fast asleep with luna.

The voices drew in closer, my whole body jerked into action as I grabbed the bag and patted luna roughly to wake her as well. We can't be caught in here, especially until after the incident in the forest.

" Easy Zen! You're gonna hurt yourself! " a shadow formed on the ground, as I whipped my head to see a boy, his eye a deep shade of blue and he was jumping off the wall.

It was a momentarily eye contact - when his eyes widened in realisation that there were us, some stranger in front of their cottage. However, my ultimate motive was to make sure he isn't a threat to-

Zen, blue deep eyes - is he who I think he is?

But why would any prince be lurking in the deepest forest, right? It would make no sense.

" I told you to be careful! " another tall man, with olive green hair came running and worry flashed his features as he made sure the boy was not hurt. However their chatter woke up the girl, and she rubbed her eyes.

" You got a good sleep? " I looked at her, she blinked in response before nodding slowly. I smiled in return, not showing any worry but I was. She hasn't spoken at all, just she cried and cried and cried. Is this because of the traumatic experience? It must be, after all she's a child.

I just observed the guy who had fallen off the wall, talking with his friends and laughing while I was still confused if he paid us any attention or not. I shrugged, thinking it might be usual for him to see people outside his cottage or something so I started picking up my bags.

" Hold it. " he stopped laughing, his voice suddenly turning serious.

" Mind to tell me what are you doing here? " he lifted himself up from the ground and his other two friends, one woman - blonde hair with purple shirt and the one man- olive green hair with brown shirt now stood by his side, as they looked like some sorts of three musketeers.

" I kinda fought some thugs in the forest, I hopefully would have went to the inn by last night but they delayed my arrival at the kingdom, Clarines. " I explained, leaving out the part in which this girl was kidnapped, but I said was half-truth.

" Oh, and what about the kid over there? Why is she so bruised and her clothes are tattered?" He questioned again, eye narrowing behind me as the pink haired girl stood behind me.

" Stop making that scary face, Zen. You're scaring her!" The other man whisper yelled at him but still everything could be heard and it made his features to twist in annoyance.

" I'm not making any scary face, mitsuhide! " he fought back and I let out a tired sigh, why can't anyone have a normal conversation?

" Forget about them. Tell me, where did you find this kid? " the blonde woman asked, her hand on her sword and I noticed the crest embedded on it, clarines.

Now, what a coincidence to meet the trio now.

" In the forest, those thugs held her captive and I couldn't just watch and pass by so I fought them. I'm taking her to the medic as soon as I reach the kingdom. " I explained to her clearly this time, she nodded her head in understanding. Both the other two guys had stopped fighting as they listened to me.

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