interrogation in chambers

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He was intently looking at me, observing each of my movements but I held a poker face, as I didn't know what purpose he asked me for, but being the eligible crown prince -I had to be nothing other than cautious.

"Was it Zen or Haruka who suggested this position for you? " he asked after a prolonged silence, he was probably aware of what had happened but to still ask me that question is kind of off.

"It was the second prince, your highness." He raised an eyebrow, his lips curled into a small smile as if curious about something, he stood up from his chair, my head wasn't spinning at all so I was composed and thought clearly if he became suspicious even slightly.

"The second prince, huh? I thought you'd more friendlier terms with zen but it must mean I must be in the wrong." he leaned against his desk, hands supporting his weight, the more he spoke, the more his intentions were becoming clear, he merely wanted to know how his younger brother is being with other folks and his decision making power.

"I heard something very interesting about a red-haired girl, in fact the moment I stepped inside the castle, her name is being said in every sentence. I heard she even accompanied him outside the castle to handle a case in Port Laxdo. He didn't even punish the soldiers for their unawareness, it must be excessive to remove the area under his reach for 6 months but he handled it quite interestingly. " he blurted out loud, there was undoubtedly no one else in this room yet he was talking about his brother's actions of me, this man is very peculiar.

"Well, I know my brother is very soft hearted and like tot mingle with folks by himself but don't you thnk that a prince shall act in a more refined manner, you have previously served Countess Aferella samsare, don't you think that my brother would be considered incompetent by the royalty and in their kingdoms, right? Don't worry, I won't punish you for saying the truth." he placed a lily back into the vase siting by the window, this wasn't a time for me to think too much but answer honestly.

" I don't know much about royal opinions or their criteria on how to judge a prince's true capability. However, I know that each prince, be it siblings or relatives, differs because of the ideals that governs their minds, what prince does is reflections of lessons that he holds dear to himself and even if in someone's eyes it is incompetent or lacking in sorts. If that person has to grown into a competent one, then they must adapt the ability to see the others perspective and build greater values. I am curious, why your highness wanted to ask me this question? " by the time, I had finished he picked up a paper, and then stared at me back.

" There is one decision that my brother took like a responsible prince enhancing the security, recruiting you as the silver knight might. Howver, I want to see for myself that is what written in this report is truth or mere exaggeration." he changed the subject, and now he's is suggesting one on one combat, if I get him all alone with getting caught off-guard then the assassination mission might be done before the others get involved in it.

However, the first prince isn't the only target. The entire bloodline must be killed off.

"Y/n? Brother?" Izana mouth curled in a satisfying smile, I could imagine the confusion in zen's eyes. If I know enough from this conversation is that Izana and Zen don't like each other to some extent but not entirely, if that's true then I can widen that gap and get them both to be vulnerable and control them. But first, I have to think about the ways in which it could make Zen hate his older brother.

"Perhaps you forgot to tell me something for you to turn around and come by yourself. Is it an apology? " I sighed silently, looked like I didn't need to put in much effort, he's already very dislikable.

"What I wanted to say involves only you and me but I thnk this is not the right time. I shall come later." he ended his sentence while staring at me, he stood there in silene as he looked at me, while Izana was standing with a amusing smile, he leaned closer me, asking while looking at Zen ahead," Then come at the right time, second prince."

I could sense the silent glare in his eyes, while Izana didn't budge at all, his smile turning into a smirk as he suggested, "Or you could accompany us  to the sparring grounds, and wait for the right time, suit yourself."

Right time for zen to strike a conversation or for me to finish my task here. 

I swear to gods above, I didn't think that this opportunity would be handed to me like this. 

"Before testing this knight lady's skills, I would like to see if you truly deserve to have another skilled knight by your side." 

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