Dark knights of evil

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" Once the weeds are out, the fields will flourish and so will our empire. I shall grant this honour of growing the power of Auravedan empire to you, my dark knight."

The kingdom was very secure was my first observation, a palace was surrounded by knights, and then there are silver knights and the personal attendants of both princes. Prince Zen had only two but their skills were very honed. The other prince wasn't in the palace for the time being which made my work time to be extended a lot further than intended.

After all, his majesty isn't a patient man, that much I've learnt. The air and atmosphere here were a lot different than in the Auravedan empire. But I could adjust in a few days thanks to the earlier trip to the neighbouring empire. The roots of the Wisteria kingdom are its infrastructure, strong allies and forces. The empire is flourished in ways I can't imagine, the happiness I see here is the one think which is I never see.

The official posting was still three days later, it wass not in my hand which lord would I serve but as long it's within the castle it would be enough for me to do my task.The arrows pierced through the leaf which was flown away by the strong winds, the arrows stuch the red dot with the young leaf. The archery section was not that big as compared to the spear and sword sparring section. But again I don't have access to the full part of the castle.

The only parts I can access are the training ground and the upper floor's archery section, The garden of the front castle is one thing but it is only because the rooms were not fully prepared in the castle which made me jog, first thing in the morning, it wasn't tiring but did consume a lot especially when the weather here is so shiny and bright. This wasn't the temperature where one could freeze, snow blizzards interrupt one's vision especially when there were wolves in every corner you looked, they were part of security raised by the king, far different from normal wolves, he conducted studies to make a stronger breed of them. Fernir, savages who were made to fight against knights select the ones fit for attending to royal highness.

The last arrow shot through my bow, and another sharp object was shot through my right. The arrow was moved off its trajectory by a sharpened stone, but the person who threw it was already gone. It was no suspicion it was someone who had access to the whole castle, because on the third floor were the prince's office and the royal library and the person's cloak was white, which further justifies that they were appointed.

The arrows I shot have never missed their targets, this was the first time when it didn't strike its target and fell onto the ground-broken in two pieces.

As my anger rose every second as to the person who dared to do this, if this was Auravedan his head would be rolling already. Dark knights may serve his highness but no one dares to touch their weapons let alone want to look into their eyes. More than this anger, I felt curiosity as to whose precision was so perfect to slice an arrow and who also had access to the castle, and yet decided to find time to mess with one of the knights meant to protect them.

I've felt this same curiosity many times before but here I can't act without consideration, My cover getting blown will be the last thing the majesty would listen to before ordering my execution within Wisteria kingdom, he wouldn't even let me step into the country I was born to die inside in.

As I finally opened the door to walk out of the palace and into the garden, I saw the same pink hairy, my anxiety was relieved as I saw her smiling at the flowers. This was the first time I saw the mint green-haired boy camouflaged with the grass. I was protective of this child not by will but by inevitable feeling. I moved forward trying to inspect who the boy was, but my steps halted already. It was as if I couldn't believe my eyes, the small boy was crouched beside her as she touched the flowers.

𝐌𝐲 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 | 𝐙𝐞𝐧 𝐖𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐚Where stories live. Discover now