019. how to offend women

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chapter nineteen!019

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chapter nineteen!
019. how to offend women


     ARTHUR WAS IN lesser spirits the next morning. His game of chess with Ronyn became feeble and he was sure his friend was cheating behind his gaze; knocking over his Knights and Castles without him knowing. He couldn't care less if he was. Arthur was fuming over last night. He couldn't help but think▬it wasn't Odette's place to ask such questions! What did she believe she'd get out of him? Something sentimental? Him to admit that any man looks upon a woman and is taken by her looks first before he makes an advance? Did she want him to call her beautiful? He was so confused, and so frustrated by their conversation he wanted to find her and argue back▬and that frustrated him even more. Arthur has never met anyone more infuriating than Odette. Not Morgana, not even Merlin. She made his blood boil and his mind wander. She occupied his thoughts when he believed he would die and occupied his thoughts as the reason he wished he could step off the battlements to make her stop talking. She was naive, and she was energetic, and she was childish▬she smiled brightly and she laughed loudly. And sometimes, she says things that make him rethink his decisions, and he hated that because he admired it at the same time.

    And now she was upset with him.

    "What is wrong with her?" Arthur was saying as he paced around his room. He passed the chess board and moved a single pawn to keep Ronyn happy. "She comes into my chambers and demands answers for my feelings▬who does she think she is?"

    "She's Odette," said Ronyn, not really paying too much attention as he sneakily took the opportunity to move his Knight closer to Arthur's Queen. Ronyn was actually very good at chess (when he wasn't too busy trying to cheat). "She might hold her tongue but she's still opinionated."

     Arthur spun back to him, annoyed. "Well, she shouldn't be. I'm a Prince, she's a servant."

    "I thought you didn't care about those things?" Ronyn queried him and he watched, amused as his friend's face went bright red with frustration.

     "I don't!" the Prince exclaimed, growing angry. "I just▬" he pointed a finger at his friend, "▬she thinks she knows everything with this▬this naive, ignorant hopeful idea of the world. We're not living in a bloody fairytale!"

     Ronyn hummed, waiting until his friend turned around again to gesture angrily at Merlin who listened, silent before knocking down another Pawn. The manservant was awkwardly trying to grab Arthur's attention in order to dress him in his armour for a knighting ceremony that would be happening soon, but the Prince was not in the mood for any of it.

    "And now she's upset with me," he gestured angrily at his chest. "Can you believe that?"

    "Depends ..." Ronyn leaned back in his chair, brow arched. "What did you say?"

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