Chapter 1: Meeting

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''I'm sorry, I won't do it again!''

''You better!''

''Hey, what are you doing?''

''What does it look like I'm doing, dumbass''

''Hey! you can't say that to him!''

''So what? I do and say what I want, wanna be my next target baldy?''

''HA? who are you calling baldy?!''

''Who else? of course you, you idiot!''

''This is just a waste of time, I have better things to do than than talk with a freak like you, Plus, what's with that tattoo of yours''

''Hey! That's my pal your talkin' to, stop being such a brat''

''Just leave him be, ****''












It was snack break. In elementary school, kids would often play in snack break and eat at lunch more.


''ow!'' a black haired raven yelled.

Takemichi Hanagaki. He's quite popular in his elementary school and everyone knows not to mess with him. Usually other kids would call him 'Rich stereotype bully' because of his actions and his rich family.

''I'm sorry!'' a kid apologized and bowed immediately. ''You did that on purpose didn't you?!'' Takemichi shouted at the child in front of him.

''No, no I didn't!'' The kid denies since he just bumped on accident. ''Stop lying! I know you did! You're gonna get it!'' Takemichi shouted to him as the bell rang.

''You're lucky, But I'm not gonna let this one slide!''

The kid then ran away.

''Tch! so annoying'' said takemichi as he wiped off the dust on his uniform.


[At Lunch]


It was lunch Time. Many kids were at the cafeteria with their friends to buy and eat lunch. At one table, a kid was at a table eating while talking to some classmates, when someone approached him.

It was Takemichi, of course.

Takemichi slammed on the table and glared at a kid. ''You, I told you I wouldn't let this one slide!'' Said takemichi as he threw the boys lunch off to the ground.

The boy just looked at his lunch and turned back to takemichi. The boy was embarrassed. ''what? are you gonna cry?'' said takemichi mocking him as the boy was in tears.

''I'm sorry...I won't do it again...'' the boy mumbled. ''hah? You're so quiet I can't hear you!'' said takemichi with an irk mark on his forehead.

''I'm sorry, I won't do it again!'' the boy shouted. ''You better!'' said takemichi as he clicked his tongue.

''Hey, what are you doing?''

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