Chapter 7: Interesting Boy

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It was just 5 in the morning. Takemichi woke up. He looked around, seeing that he wasn't in his house. ''The fuck...?'' takemichi saw a picture. He saw mitsuya and his 2 sisters. ''He brought me here huh? tch'' Takemichi stood up and took a look of himself.

Takemichi saw that there were already a few people outside when he looked out the window.

'It's gonna be quite embarrassing if I just go outside with my suit on...guess...i'm taking his jacket with me' takemichi thought as he sighed. He wore his socks and shoes and then left after.




[10:00 AM]




''No way?'' draken asked one more time. ''It's true...'' replied mitsuya. ''That's not fair! you got to dance with him!'' yelled mikey.

''Lucky you I guess'' said baji. ''Jeez, I should had never told you guys'' said mitsuya as he sighed. They were walking near takemichi's school. They then stopped once takemichi approached them.

''Mhh? do ya want something?'' asked baji as takemichi just passed by him. ''Gosh...can't you just give me a normal reply?'' said baji as he scratched his head.

''Here'' takemichi handed mitsuya's jacket. ''ah...thanks, takemichi'' mitsuya smiled. He saw that his jacket was ironed and folded nicely. ''Aw, did you this?'' asked mitsuya, but takemichi rolled his eyes and walked away.

The other's watched them. They then saw mikey walk to takemichi. Mikey then pulled takemichi from behind. ''Hey!'' takemichi pushed mikey away. ''What was that for?!'' takemichi wiped and patted his clothes. ''Wanna hangout?'' asked mikey as he smiled.

''No and shut up'' said takemichi. ''I know you wanna skip class, takemitchy~ so why not leave?'' asked mikey as he leaned towards takemichi.

The school bell rang, snack time was over.

''so?'' mikey pulled out his hand. Takemichi sighed as he held hands with mikey for agreement. ''Great! Let's go!'' said mikey as baji wrapped his arms around takemichi from behind.

''get off'' said takemichi. ''I don't think I wanna'' baji grinned. ''Hey baji, don't think you could just take him all to yourself'' said draken.

''Well you guys sound like you could own me'' said takemichi. ''Cause we can'' mikey then tripped takemichi using his leg.

Takemichi dropped to the ground. Mikey then leaned his face towards takemichi's. His face was very close than it should be. Mikey grabbed takemichi's chin and leaned near his ear,

''And we will''

Takemichi blushed slightly as he then pulled mikey's shirt. He leaned towards his ear and whispered, ''Well let's see you try, Manjirou''

Takemichi let go of mikey as mikey smiled. ''You really are a bold one huh'' said mikey as he pulled takemichi up.

''Yeah, yeah, yeah'' said takemichi.

''Soo...what did you guys talk about?'' asked draken. ''Is it required for you to know?'' asked takemichi. ''well yeah'' replied draken. ''Well now it isn't so it's none of your concern'' said takemichi as they stopped at a park. Takemichi walked to a restroom and left the other.

''Gotta go too'' said chifuyu, who was just watching the others because he was to nervous to approach the blond.

Chifuyu followed takemichi to the restroom. ''and you must be?'' ask takemichi. ''Uh...matsuno chifuyu'' said chifuyu. ''Matsuno...sounds familiar'' said takemichi. ''well yeah, we go to the same school'' said chifuyu as he felt even more nervous.

''your utterly embarrassing'' said takemichi as he looked at chifuyu. ''You act so weirdly and always look nervous ya know'' said takemichi as he yawned.

''eh...haha...''chifuyu scratched the back of his head. ''Well to be honest I just get nervous when your around okay'' said chifuyu.

''well that's fine, at least you were honest with it'' said takemichi as he walked to chifuyu. ''Your quite the less-annoying one there'' takemichi smiled at chifuyu. Chifuyu got a little flustered. ''heh, say, wanna hang-out later?'' asked takemichi.

''Oh, of course! to where?'' asked chifuyu. ''Anywhere, well meet at this park later at 12'' said takemichi. ''Okay, a-are we cool now?'' said chifuyu, still feeling a bit nervous.

''Jeez, why not boost your confidence up more? you look funny'' takemichi snickered. ''I will'' said chifuyu as he grinned.

''Let's go, the others are waiting'' said chifuyu as they went outside. ''What took you guys so long?'' asked mitsuya. ''Oi chifuyu, ya sure you didn't do anything?'' asked baji. ''I didn't Baji-san'' said chifuyu.

''I'm gonna go now. Here, chifuyu'' takemichi then gave chifuyu a note. ''see you later, chifuyu'' takemichi waved goodbye.

Baji then put his hand on chifuyu's shoulder. ''What's in the note? and what does he mean by 'see you later'. Are you guys gonna meet up?'' ask baji.

''well...I gotta go, see you later!'' chifuyu ran. ''I'm gonna spy on them'' said baji. ''Count me in'' said mikey.

''Idiots, you could get caught'' said draken. Mitsuya nodded in agreement. ''Well it's not likethey can do anything about it!'' said baji as he ran to follow chifuyu.

''Ken-chin, carry me'' said mikey. ''No'' said draken. ''I said carry me'' mikey glared at him. ''Mikey--'' ''Now'' mikey sent a chilling aura to draken. ''Okay okay! jeez'' draken then carried mikey. ''Now follow baji'' said mikey as he grinned. ''Are you fricking serious?''


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