Chapter 9: Runaway Child

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Takemichi Hanagaki, 7 years old.


''Hanagaki, no, no, no! You keep doing it the wrong way! and it's giving me a headache. I've been teaching you for an hour now, yet you still can't perfect it!'' Said Mrs. Takemichi as she showed a face of disappointment.

''I'm very sorry, Mother'' Takemichi apologized as he bowed. ''Tch, how can you be a good child if you can't understand something so simple? your gonna be an embarrassment for the family and for the public to see'' said the Mrs. Takemichi.

''I can't do it anymore. Learn and teach yourself, maybe that'll give you a lesson and finally understand.'' Said Mrs. Takemichi, walking away.

Takemichi just watched her from a distance, feeling very sad. He's sensitive at this age, so the slightest words can really affect him.

Takemichi cried and walked slowly into his room. He jumped onto his bed and covered himself in the sheets. He sobbed quietly until he heard a knock on his door.

''Come i-in...'' takemichi stuttered. A man entered the room.

''Hanagaki-Sama'' The man spoke. ''Gerald...?'' takemichi removed the sheets and ran to gerald.

Gerald was Takemichi's Butler. Gerald was 55 years old, the oldest butler the family has. He is Half American and Half Japanese. He has served the family ever since he was 8 and he is one of the most people that care for takemichi deeply.

''Gerald! I'm sorry! I have failed mother again!'' takemichi cried as he held onto geralds chest. ''Hanagaki-Sama, it's okay. If you wan't success to happen, then mistakes must always be part of it. If you make a mistake, you must learn from it and get a benefit in the end.'' said gerald as he held takemichi, comforting him.

''Thank you...gerald'' said takemichi as he sniffed. ''Mr. Takemichi-Sama has called you in his office'' said gerald.

''He said it is great news for you, and it's very important for you to know'' said gerald. Takemichi wiped his tears and then fixed himself as he then stood up.


''Father, what is it?'' takemichi came inside his fathers office.

''Hanagaki, I have great and important news. Congratulations, you are having an arranged marriage to Minami's younger child. Her name is Minami Shiyu, she will be your future wife. You will meet her next week.''

With those words coming out of Takemichi's Father, Takemichi was shocked. Takemichi wanted to tell his father that he doesn't want to, but he was scared. He was afraid of his father, that's why he didn't dare to say a word.


12 Years Old


It was a saturday afternoon. Takemichi was practicing his violin when somebody knocked on his door.

''Come in'' takemichi spoke.

Minami Terano, aka south, came in. Takemichi smiled.

''South!'' takemichi placed his violin on his violin stand carefully and ran to south as he embraced him with a heartfelt hug.

''How are you?'' south asked while a small smile was planted on his face. ''Just the usual'' said takemichi.

''Happy 12th Birthday, Takemichi'' said south. ''You remembered my birthday, or did your parents just tell you?'' asked takemichi. ''No, I just remembered. I have a gift for you, takemichi'' said south.

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