Chapter 16: Brothel

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Seriously, out of all Places, a Brothel. But it was Takemichi's only Guide to a Better home to Stay outside his old Division, and of course he didn't want to be Rude to where Draken Resides, so he Just kept his him Arms downs.

They went to an Elevator to speed up the Time, since it was already 5:00 PM.

Once they got into their Designated floor, Takemichi Heard people greet Draken. He must well known around here, since he Lives here.

They walked to Drakens part of the Brothel were he Stays. It was clean and Neat. There wasn't much Mess also, guess it wasn't going to be so Bad afterall.

"I don't have a Guest or Spare Room for you to sleep in, you can Sleep on the Couch or In my Room, your Choice." The tall blond said. He seemed like he Didn't have any intentions and Pretty much was Calm.

"I'll take the Couch."

Takemichi placed his Bags next to a Corner just near the Couch when he heard a Knock on the Door. There stood a Girl who only had her underwear and only Had a Thin Robe that wasn't even Closed all the Way.

"Ryuguji, have you seen..."

She instantly Cut off her words when her Gaze met the Ravens.

"Oh my..." a smile then formed on the Girls face.

"My, my, and who must you be? Are you perhaps here for a Treat or Our little Dragons playmate~?" The girl slowly went closer to Takemichi.

Takemichi took a Few steps back, not having any Interest. He was about to say something when instead someone did for him.

"Back off. He's a Friend who's only here to stay for a Day. She's annoying isn't she?" Draken snickered.

"Hey! Augh. And I thought I was going to have some Fun, but oh well, you Can have him. Never thought you would be interested in men~ but oh great taste, ryuguji." the Girl chuckled as she Left.

"Don't mind her. She's always like that."

"It's fine. Where's your Bathroom, I want to Take a Bath." Takemichi asked. Draken pointed at the Door just across from the Kitchen.

Takemichi changed into more Comfortable clothes in the Bathroom inside. A black shirt and Dark Blue colored Shorts.

After a Short while, he sat down on the Couch and Checked his Phone. He had a Missed call from South. He was curious but Tired, so he just decided not to Bother it.

His phone was almost Out of Battery, so he Charged his phone at a Nearby outlet.

He saw the Entrance of Drakens room. The door was slightly open, making takemichi wonder what it Looked like.

He knew it wasn't a Good thing, but who Cares.

He stood up and walked to his Room. Draken wasn't there, so he assumed draken was Somewhere in the Brothel.

In the Room, the first thing that Caught takemichi's attention was the Pictures pasted on the Walls.

He slowly walked towards them and sat down on the bed to inspect it.

It was The others. Mikey, pah-Chin, baji, and some other Pictures. He Glanced at one picture, recognising a Girl who was smiling.


"You know her?"

A voice came from behind that Startled the Raven.

"Yes, I do. I was introduced to her at a Birthday party last 2 weeks ago. How do you know her?" Takemichi asked, Facing draken who was Walking Towards him.

"She's mikey's little sister, Emma Sano. I was at her birthday party also, but If you were there, why didn't I see you?" Draken asked. His focus on Takemichi.

"I left early. Anyways, do you have better Sheets? The one you gave me feels nasty."

"1, you use it. 2, If you don't want to use it, might as well sleep Without it, or 3, Sleep with me." Draken gave him a Smile as an irk mark appeared on the Raven forehead.

"Then I'll sleep without it." Takemichi rolled his Eyes as he Walked away, angrily walking to the door and walking back to the Living room. He was irritated, considering it was winter.
It was 2 AM. Winter at night is always colder when it's Day.

Takemichi was at the Couch, sleeping peacefully yet His body was Shivering from the Cold.

The cold wind howled through a Window that was left open. Takemichi hurled himself in the Couch though his body was Still in rest.

In a while, as he was hurdling up, he felt his body Go up. It felt like someone was lifting him up in a Bridal style.

The hands were Warm, which made takemichi comfortable. He couldn't open his eyes, He couldn't say anything, But he felt it.

He was placed on a Bed as he heard the bed creak due to the person climbing up the bed. He felt the person lay down beside him. He wanted to say something once more, but his intention was stopped when he felt a warm sheet cover him. Large arms then wrapped around his body.

It was only then He slightly opened his eyes to see. The person pushing his hair bags to the side.


Takemichi moved his body back, which made the person pull him Closer to his.

"Shh, just sleep." A hoarse voice Whispered.


Draken moved his head and placed it on takemichi's neck and his arms was still wrapped around him. Small, hot breathings went to takemichi's neck.

He felt Warm. As much as he wanted to move away, he didn't want to because of how comfortable he Was. It was only a Matter of time until he fell deep asleep.
"Get away!" Takemichi yelled, making the Tall sleeping dragon startled, waking up.

Takemichi immediatly stood up from the Bed as he Threw a pillow at Draken.

"Hey...what was that for!" Draken lifted as he scratched his Head.

"You...!" Takemichi pointed his finger at him. His face looking more angry than Yesterday.

"Me? Me what? You should be Thankful last night or else you would have died from the Cold. You were awake, so why didn't you say anything. You let me Touch you, takemichi. You didn't stop me, and now it's my fault?"

Draken chuckled as he sat down on his Bed. Stretching his body.

"Your blushing so hard right now, if only you could see your face." Draken Snorted.

Of course he was. Draken slept with him with NO SHIRT on, only Shorts.

Draken turned to Him. A grin growing on his Face.

"Like what you see?"

"Shut up!!" Takemichi shouted as he stomped his feet away, slamming the door loudly behind him.

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